being blogger - ni keje yg aku cari sendiri, really dunno how come suddenly I can write all the rubbish, crabbed, ntah pe2..am I disclosed too much about myself? but I really think that I started to write since I am part of "broken heart " person kot (for few months)...part of lepaskan geram dan maybe jugak rasa berbakat jadi penulis loyar buruk...hehe
kalau tgk balik old entries rasa mcm skema jek...ala mcm budak baru masuk sekolah, baru masuk kerja...skema gila beb...tapi lps tu dah relax la skit..yelah dah senior sket dlm bab merapu nih...
sometimes rasa menulis ni mcm dpt kesan morfin kot..ntah tak reti nak explain sbb aku cuma amik Biologi for 2 weeks,I'm not sure what kind of hormone that will be released if we do things that we like...mmg banyak kali baca kat mag. but still cannot remember as my mind is only for accounts..to tied P&L and balance sheet..debit expenses credit accruals..diff in exchange..bla2
rasanya tulisan merapu aku ni tak sakitkan hati sesape, since my writing is more about myself...anybody yg terasa tu nasib la yek..erk I'm only a human
n'way rasanya pun dah setahun gak aku aktif dlm friendster..dulu just sign up to become a member, and not utilised anything...just started a year ago to b active..its good as I able to keep in touch with old friends..add new friends, etc
being single - yup until this entries I'm still single mingle.erk..but people surrounding me always think that I'm marrried or at least in a relationship..tak tahu part mana..maybe muka aku nampak berseri2 kot...(ye ke?)
n'way bukan xpernah single pun..dr zaman sekolah org sibuk2 belajar dan pasang special, aku gak yg dok pk xpayahla all those things..yg penting score yg terbaik dlm study...but for almost 6 years aku terikat juga pada so called as "commitment" which started from 0 to something....and somebody used to be one of my VIP, however nowadays I already become VIP (very independent person..hmm actually I'm pretty sure that I'm independent person ever since)
being single again, first few months after the "incident" felt so terrible..maybe that time looked like as "zombi kampung pisang" kot..haha rasa nak je belasah kaum adam (tak wat pun cuma otak tak betul masa tu)..but slowly when all the tears dah habis i believe not only me but people out there yg sekapal, back to the normal..kilang air mata pun dah kering kontang and i fell started to be happy again with all those supports from family, housemates, old friends and even new friends...Alhamdulillah...Everyone deserves to be happy!
"Allah tidak akan membebankan kita apa yg kita tak mampu untk menanggung "
being single again pun best juga! why I'm saying this..erm maybe takde rasa kena fikir banyak benda kot...walaupun sometimes rasa risau la sbb xde org nak ngurat (hehe org segan kot, ingat aku dah kawin le, ada pakwe le etc), risau rasa mcm terlambat la, tertinggal keretapi in certain topics, but it's normal...i still can enjoy outings, lepak, karaoke, travelling with my friends, even to stay back until 11pm at office ..and maybe I can go out and have a crushed with any guys that still single..all without fell guilty..
hehe talking about "crush" aku terbaca kat satu mag. ..yg part jantung berdebar2 dag dig dug tu...jika jantung berdebar, org yg membuat jantung kita bergetar itu, berdegup pantas juga jiwanya. teorinya, ritma jantung yg pantas berbanding normal itu boleh di"transmit"kan..hmm betul ke? then klu org tu pun suka kat kita gak adakah jantung kita akan berdebar2 2 kali ganda ?...sehingga rasa nak meletup? erk ntah tak tahu...but org kata we can know the feelings from body gesture...hmm maybe I should learn psychology plak kot to know the details...
and after the "incident", aku rasa aku dah banyak berubah...revamp myself...dari banyak segi rasanya..dressing, mata yg 4 aku jadikan 2 plak...handle all the tears, always think positive, be strong, makes new friends tanpa melupakan kawan2 lama,join aktiviti yg tak pernah buat yg dulu2 asyik come across tapi asyik pk takutla,etc..
with my current job - after a year looking for a job in accounts, finally today (1/8) I'm celebrating my 1st anniversary with this company..how long I will stay here? I'm not pretty sure as I still learning and enjoying every moments...
previously in tax, now in accounts...its still in same line but the nature of the job is totally different. however, its a good exposure to tax as I am able to calculate my own tax, and at the same time can help others, not all company will help u to register with IRB, its more on ur responsibility..(Just wondering, should I do freelance for personal tax?) besides being in tax line will expose to the hectic schedules...with all those dateline, super stress, and have to remember clients all those little things...but the most important things it makes me tougher in the super stress situation (die2, also I have to meet all the dateline, even to vomit blood..erk tak le sampai gitu..)...so from previous exp. I can manage my stress better nowadays...the not soo good its just when become too busy, I will skip meals and padahnya tanggung sendiri...gastrics and headache will makes me to get MC...
sometimes i miss my previous company..KYW, I really cannot wait this Friday, we will lunch together and chit chat...Boss, u r rite for all those graph that u draw for me when I sent the "love letter"..graf balik kg, kerja, stayback, etc...i missed the word "Ini takdir Tuhan"..and miss so much many things
and I love my current job...and my team mates..being "bullied" and "matching" me with whomever (yg diorang rasa mcm match ngan aku tanpa tahu status org tu yg jumpa dlm lif, yg tgh jalan2, dsb ) as I'm the youngest and single, its OK..I can take it...team mates aku juga berjaya menukarkan aku dr quiet person kepada yg boleh "membelasah" org lain (but the truth, aku rasa byk kali org salah anggap aku...1st impression org tntg aku selalu kata aku ni senyap gila...sbb tu aku rasa org kena kenal aku dulu baru tahu yg aku ni tak le sependiam yg disangka)..join dept activities ...very fun until all my housemates envy sampai diorang kata " ni kerje ke main2?" yelah last few weeks kitaorg leh tgk movie during ofis hour, leh pakai jeans during normal days (but of course oni for few days), etc...(banyak klu nak cerita, so the remaining tu aku simpan sdiri ye)
masa mula2 masuk keja sini, its really tough since I never know how to use SAP (even though last time kira tax guna co. system), keep calling SAP Assist (until she say..u ni kalau sehari tak buat salah xde ke?), but its good as I learn from my mistakes...
i'm still enjoying every moments, but not sure for future planning, cuma ada short term planning je, nak apply full ACCA membership dlm bln 10 ni..Insya Allah. Amin
sume soalan kat bwh ni aku cilok dr adik aku…saja buat untk memenuhkan blog ni…
1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :
~ Mr A yg dah jadi Mr X….bkn x-men tau
2. Saya sedang mendengar :
~ kasih tercipta by faizal oiam, semoga abadi by misha omar, kau yang satu by wow (ni lagu lama yg aku korek2)…saja buang tebiat list banyak..wakaka peminat kipas mati..every day must listen to music…
3. Mungkin saya patut :
~ diet…argh..rasa mcm sume tempat dah naik….tension weh…baju kebaya ada 2 helai tunggu nak rasmi jek
~ ngurat gewe…I’m bored when it comes to weekend…ntah maybe org tak realised aku ni wujud kot, adik aku kata move pi keje tempat lain..sape yg rugi ek? Aku ke org yg nak ngurat aku tapi shy2 cat?
4. Saya suka :
~ banyak benda saya suka…suka tu, suka ini….
5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya..
~ ada la beberapa org
6. Saya tak paham :
~ physic mmg x logic bg ku, ada gak benda2 lain which i believe too personal tapi dah malas nak fahamkan
7. Saya kehilangan :
~ dah ramai....
8. Ramai yang berkata :
~ ko ni nampak je diam, tapi......
~ haha even my neighbour kat ofis kata –ko ni problem nak start je..lps tu tak leh nak berhenti....quite true
9. Makna nama saya di muka depan
~ muka depan? Soalan ape ni? Tapi kalau raihan tu rezeki, wangian dari syurga
10. Cinta itu :
~ complicated, but love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind…cinta tu subjektif…ia bawa bahagia dan juga derita…tapi aku tak serik nak bercinta!
11. Disuatu tempat, seseorang sedang :
~ cuit kerusi saya..hahaha...
~ seseorang tu nak refer pada sape ek ?isk maybe org renung aku dr ats ke bawah sbb hari ni aku leh pakai jeans (today is wednesday, but i came to office with jeans...really cool! 4 sure balik umah kang housemate tanya apesal hari ni pakai camni?)
12. Saya akan cuba :
~ jadi lebih baik dr semua segi
13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :
~ terpulang..selamanya untk pe?
14. Saya tidak akan/pernah mahu :
~ tak terlintas apa pun kat kepala..since rasanya aku boleh je try new things although at 1st aku tak nak try
15. Telefon bimbit saya :
~ nokia 1600..adik aku kata mcm black ice....but i really need to save to buy new one...flip klu boleh..actually aku siap plan nak bg birthday present diri sendiri this year dgn new hp, tapi duit dah spent kat tempat lain plak
16. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur diwaktu pagi,
~ mandi, solat (hari kerja) weekend terpisat2 dulu pk nak pi jog ke tak lps solat...
17. Saya paling meluat bila :
~ awek gedik
18. Pesta/Parti adalah :
~ good foods, music, colourful….
19. Haiwan yang paling comel yang sayapernah temui ialah :
~ cat! Suka sgt2..