My step by step preparing vege/ fruits puree
1. Clean and cut the vege/ fruits
2. Cook it using any method that you like
3. Cool it a bit
4. Blend it using blender
5. Strain the food using strainer (if needed depends on texture and ur baby age, some food like sweet potatoes@keledek is creamy and seems xde la kasar2 you can skip)
6. Put it in the ice cube / baby cube
7. Refrigerate it (mula2 fridge, then after 1-2 hours masuk freezer)
8. Once it turns into cube you can transfer to other container/ freezer bags. Then masuk balik freezer
Tips: Lalukan air di belakang ice tray sekejap, senang sikit nk keluarkan cube.
Oh ya usually I do not mix the cube in 1 container..maksud klu buat few purees, 1 bekas hnya untk 1 jenis puree
9. Everyday I will take the selected food that I plan to give for the next day. Then put them in fridge to defrost
(mcm handle ebm jugak)
Pic here is just not in order (nak masak vss nk amik pics..mana lg penting?) So I just snapped bila teringat but hope the caption will help
carrot puree (top), sweet potatoes @ keledek puree(below)
both in ice cube
untk masuk dlm fridge pastu freezer
dah jadi cube...but this one pumpkin, prune and potatoes puree (eh 3p)..since dh lupa nk snap tuk carrot and sweet potatoes
Preparing the porridge with vege/ fruits cube
(again my style...this it when he just started solid - so bubur mmg kena tapis)
1. Ambil bbrapa sudu rice powder masukkan dlm penapis teh
2. Basuh bersih2 dan masak sehingga menjadi bubur
3. Sejukkan seketika dan blend it
4. Tapis bubur yg sudah diblender
5. Campurkan vege/ fruits cube. Kacau sebati bubur dan thawed cube dgn api yg sederhana kecil
7. Masukkan dlm food thermos
Some mommies can use other depends on how you want to give it to bs/nursery. At first I also cannot make up my mind how I want to give the foods to nursery. Some said its not good to give foods yg dh simpan dlm freeze since takut kembung, ada plak kata bs x bagi mkn sbb malas nk panaskan food, and so many issues.
So after considering few thing, I have decided to mix it..bubur masak setiap hari, so it fresh. Only fruits/ vege je versi thawed-ice-cube. (I admit sometimes I cannot make it, so nestum jugak jd bekal...and the first time nk msk bubur hoho sungguhla ngantuk! but slowly I make it.
Besides I decided to invest in good food thermos since some commented that the food sejuk altho br bbrapa jam dlm food thermos (beli skali ja tuk guna sume anak). So far kakak nursery tu kata panas elok (kdg kena tggu bg sejuk esp bila mkn pg). Plus I consider at least diorg xpayah la nk panaskan food for my lil one (sudahla diorg nk handle babies2, toddlers lg, EBM masa beli food thermos pejam mata swipe credit card and just think +ve je).
Since now Afham already started with texture porridge, the steps as below plak
1. Ambil bbrapa sudu rice powder masukkan dlm penapis teh
2. Basuh bersih2 dan masak sehingga menjadi bubur
3. Bila dekat2 nk masak masukan vege/ fruits cube. Kacau rata2 seketika
4. Masukkan dlm food thermos
But, I have to make sure the rice powder btl2 halus..klu blend beras kasar2 nanti kena blend sekali lagi
On top of that, since salt is not permitted in baby food, we have an option to add anchovies powder..serbuk-ikan-bilis
1. bersihkan ikan bilis anngaran tuk guna seminggu dua stok
2. rendam ikan bilis selama 15-20 minit; tujuan untk hilangkan klu rasa nk lagi lama terpulang
3. goreng ikan bilis tanpa minyak sehingga masak
4. blend sehingga halus
5. taburkan di atas bubur baby
kisarkan bilis2 itu
Ok till then ...bnyk sgt no plak dlm entri ini =p
Updated :
1. Ice cube dgn penutup itu sy beli di Giant. In case u have more budget can opt for baby cubes. Baby cubes if not mistaken leh dpt kt fabulousmom etc
2. For prune, I use Sunsweet...klu anda lebih rajin leh guna plum..since prune are just really plums that have been "dried"..or maybe klu jumpa option lebih baik silakan...(I saw from bloggers moomies using sunsweet prune, and since sy xsuka shopping I just opt its ur choice)