Drive carefully..remember the love ones.
Eat moderate.. *haha selalu for sure terbabas...untk sebulan..because of the open house..cookies, cakes, ketupat, rendang, kuzi ayam, kurma daging, sambal kacang, sayur lodeh......*
Business (urm..actually should be blogging kan?) : to be confirmed *kwang3..macam la jual produk....
Credit pics : (but I've edited it to black& white)
p/s : this year raya will be 360 degree different... :(
selamat hari raya zurai
kenapa raya tahun ni 360 degrees different pulak ek
bila ko nak kawen ni
jgn lupa jemput beta
zurai...aku tatau sempat jumpa ko kat umah ke tak...hahaha....aku closing...macam hampeh plak...selamat hari raye maaf zahir batin..housemate
zety - nnt aku tulis nape raya taun ni 360 degree..dan kawen..
-s-o-f-t-i-e - closing ko mcm ampeh, closing aku tatau lagi..yg surenya xseronok sbb closing raya kedua
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