and i just realised few things from the trivia send by jobstreet below:-
John Grisham, author of A Time to Kill, The Firm and many other exciting novels, received his undergraduate degree in accounting from Mississippi State University.
Walter Diemer, was an accountant for the Fleer Corporation in the 1920's. In his spare time, Diemer tinkered with gum recipes and created a chewy, rubbery substance better known as bubble gum.
Arthur Blank, co-founder of Home Depot and owner of the Atlanta Falcons, is a CPA
Funny man Bob Newhart started out in accounting.
Former Texas Rangers Manager and CPA Kevin Kennedy did his players’ tax returns to make extra money when he managed in the minor leagues.
Track sensation Marcus O’Sullivan passed the CPA exam.
Chairs of several Fortune 500 companies, including Nike (Phil Knight), are CPAs.
Tim DuBois, known as “The Singing Accountant”, wrote the Alabama hit “Love in the First Degree”, the Jerry Reed hit “She Got the Goldmine, I Got the Shaft” and the Vince Gill hit “When I Call Your Name.” He is currently the President of Arista Records in Nashville.
After graduating from school, J. P. Morgan got his first Wall Street job as a junior accountant. Five years later he founded his own company.
Jazz artist Kenny G. was an accountant before he became famous.
Ray Wersching, the ex-San Franscico 49er field goal kicker, was a CPA during the off-season.
Nearly 1,400 of the FBI’s special agents are accountants. In fact, the #2 man at the FBI, Thomas Pickard, is a CPA.
When Hernando Cortes landed in the New World, he brought horses, soldiers--and his accountant, Alonso de Avila. As a reward for excellent service, de Avila was made the first mayor of Veracuz, in what is now Mexico.
Butthole Surfers band member Gibby Haynes was a star accounting and economics student at Trinity University in San Antonio.
Walter L. Morgan, founder of the Wellington Fund, was considered to be one of the pioneers of the mutual fund industry. The Wellington Fund became the flagship Fund for the Vanguard Group of Investment Companies, the second largest mutual fund company in the world. Born on July 23, 1898, he was one of the oldest living CPAs. He recently passed away in early 2000.
Did you know that cost accounting is mentioned in the Bible? Luke 14:28 says, "For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to complete it?"
Ohio State University is home to the Accounting Hall of Fame which honors outstanding contributions to the profession.
The first CPA exam was given in New York in 1896.
Luca Paciolo wrote the first book on double entry accounting in 1494. He is frequently referred to as the father of accounting. He’s still a hot commodity today. Pacioli’s portrait was featured in the recently released movie “The Spanish Prisoner”.
Robert Duvall turned to his CPA for advice on whether to undertake the financial and personal pressures of producing, starring and funding his manuscript for the movie The Apostle.
The first actor to play Sherlock Holmes was an accountant at Samuelson’s Royal Film Agency. The identity of this accountant, turned non-professional actor remains at least one unsolved mystery in the history of the great detective. We commonly refer to debits and credits as DR and CR, which is the abbreviation for “debit register and credit register”
Source: AICPA, January 2004
Walter Diemer, was an accountant for the Fleer Corporation in the 1920's. In his spare time, Diemer tinkered with gum recipes and created a chewy, rubbery substance better known as bubble gum.
Arthur Blank, co-founder of Home Depot and owner of the Atlanta Falcons, is a CPA
Funny man Bob Newhart started out in accounting.
Former Texas Rangers Manager and CPA Kevin Kennedy did his players’ tax returns to make extra money when he managed in the minor leagues.
Track sensation Marcus O’Sullivan passed the CPA exam.
Chairs of several Fortune 500 companies, including Nike (Phil Knight), are CPAs.
Tim DuBois, known as “The Singing Accountant”, wrote the Alabama hit “Love in the First Degree”, the Jerry Reed hit “She Got the Goldmine, I Got the Shaft” and the Vince Gill hit “When I Call Your Name.” He is currently the President of Arista Records in Nashville.
After graduating from school, J. P. Morgan got his first Wall Street job as a junior accountant. Five years later he founded his own company.
Jazz artist Kenny G. was an accountant before he became famous.
Ray Wersching, the ex-San Franscico 49er field goal kicker, was a CPA during the off-season.
Nearly 1,400 of the FBI’s special agents are accountants. In fact, the #2 man at the FBI, Thomas Pickard, is a CPA.
When Hernando Cortes landed in the New World, he brought horses, soldiers--and his accountant, Alonso de Avila. As a reward for excellent service, de Avila was made the first mayor of Veracuz, in what is now Mexico.
Butthole Surfers band member Gibby Haynes was a star accounting and economics student at Trinity University in San Antonio.
Walter L. Morgan, founder of the Wellington Fund, was considered to be one of the pioneers of the mutual fund industry. The Wellington Fund became the flagship Fund for the Vanguard Group of Investment Companies, the second largest mutual fund company in the world. Born on July 23, 1898, he was one of the oldest living CPAs. He recently passed away in early 2000.
Did you know that cost accounting is mentioned in the Bible? Luke 14:28 says, "For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to complete it?"
Ohio State University is home to the Accounting Hall of Fame which honors outstanding contributions to the profession.
The first CPA exam was given in New York in 1896.
Luca Paciolo wrote the first book on double entry accounting in 1494. He is frequently referred to as the father of accounting. He’s still a hot commodity today. Pacioli’s portrait was featured in the recently released movie “The Spanish Prisoner”.
Robert Duvall turned to his CPA for advice on whether to undertake the financial and personal pressures of producing, starring and funding his manuscript for the movie The Apostle.
The first actor to play Sherlock Holmes was an accountant at Samuelson’s Royal Film Agency. The identity of this accountant, turned non-professional actor remains at least one unsolved mystery in the history of the great detective. We commonly refer to debits and credits as DR and CR, which is the abbreviation for “debit register and credit register”
Source: AICPA, January 2004 i'm thinking that my next move for my career maybe to become FBI, or maybe NCIS, CSI...with all the gadgets yg updated...with super genies otak...handsome rakan sekerja..awwww!!
hohoho..of course i investigate hingga ke lubang cacing........but i will investigate my hubby and my kids.... *haha..mesti korg terkejut klu aku betul2 tukar keje jadi all those jobs...buat terkejut je kan..seriously, i never imagine how it will b when i become mother and scold my kids....*
my big day still not yet confirmed!!!..but both of us already start do what we can do..kursus kawen, hantaran....and i'm still looking for nice shoes for solemnisation...below pics "cilok" from PCM nice but all this shoes was posted around 2006-2007...hoho alangkah bagusnya klu primavera ada jual lagi kasut mcm kat bawah....nvm i will try my best to do the hunting....*mr dear hope you can become super sabar when the hunting time comes..hahaha*

besides, when i browse, i found this nice Destiny Cube (a multi-faceted cube that holds eye shadow on one side and a lipstick and gloss on the other)*damn nice and cool and i love it... *
ape pendapat korang this cube?