Continuation from
last chapter list-to-do wedding checklist, checklist perkahwinan *I think almost a month..huhu so fast the time flies....*
Date : I have put ticker in my blog here..sila2 la carik…play hide and seek OK?
Place nikah masjid..unless further changes later
Place kenduri balai raya . To check balai raya arrangement, meja alas dgn kertas minyak saja kot…meja potong kek? Meja simpan hadiah? No need to think about canopy...
Documents: Encik tunang Done!!!!. While I will settle this on 02.02.09 (Since Johor xcuti, KL cuti Federal)..hopefully everything ok from HIV test, temuduga on the spot, and success..Ayah bought the form, to get saksi borang...opss surat akuan dara to get from CNY should complete all the documents
Barang2 hantaranFrom him
1. Maskahwin - encik tunang ave to get new note from bank bila dh dekat2
2. Wang hantaran - Prepare cheques bila dh dekat2
3. Cincin & gelang - DONE
4. Sirih junjung - His family will do
5. Telekung - DONE
6. Perfume - DONE
7. Kasut - DONE
8. Handbag - DONE
9. Chocolate - Buy it bila dh dekat2
From me
1. Sirih junjung - A day before
2. Tafsir &sejadah - blom beli lagi
3. Perfume - DONE
4. Kasut - DONE
5. Wallet& belt - DONE
6. Shirt & pants - DONE
7. Cake - To find out - identified tinggal nak order kot
8. Chocolate - Beli bila dh dekat2
9. Fruits - Beli bila dh dekat2
10.Cincin - blom lagi
11.Potpourri - maybe guna daun pandan kot
Deco (from him) almost done..left with touch up later
Deco (from me) 6 settle, this week will progress
Kad jemputan -
encik tunang kena decide....kihkihkih..bagi dia sikit pening kepala.. opss dia dh decide...Inilah beruntung jadik lelaki pilih memang senang - compared to perempuan kot
Accomodation : to book masa cuti CNY
Transport : Not sure how many relatives from encik tunang will come. But maybe around 30 ppl
Tok kadi: Ayah dh start jumpa…they will further discuss
Solemnisation outfit - to take my outfit (alteration) before CNY or latest early Feb. To send to laundry for dry cleaning later
Mak andam: booked on 20.12.08, paid deposit on 21.12.08
Makeup ...x, Baju x pasang, Accessories-brooch, tudung, veil, cekak spider, tiara, etc, 2 flower arch *we aggreed not to take red carpet..sbb kami bukan artis pun*, hand bouquet, pelamin, tempat merenjis, kipas, payung, 2 dulang hantaran (9 lagi pinjam kat Tok Yam), 2 tempat cucuk bunga telur, deco meja makan
Concept - something simple and sweet….janji cantik…theme colour also has been informed to mak andam...
Fitting a week before, but I will contact her from time to time….supaya at least clear all the things
Bunga pahar : progressing…yg dh complete almost 20…ada 130 lagi kena buat *reben sume dh potong, Cuma kena smbg kerja2 diy*
Outfit for family:cuti CNY
Bridesmaid : Shorlisted to confirm end of this month kot
Flowergirl : xde unless cousins want to become bidan terjun
Tol: mak andam confirm she charge 80…*lepas kl - segamat naik kereta..minyak dan tol tau*, and few sampuls also have to prepare for my relatives *inilah masa encik tunang kenal relatives say kan??*
Bilik pengantin : Left will pasu bunga, simple flower arrangement, simple backdrop *huhu I though last time mak andam include it but unfortunately xpun…*
Photographer : Booked on 01.01.09, paid deposit on 02.01.09
Foods for kenduri : CNY discuss balik kot. So there will be exact figure $$$
Lauk pengantin & kek : CNY to confirm on lauk pengantin, kek kahwin to order from friend - so I still need to choose
Berkat - semua : CNY to confirm balik
Berkat - family encik tunang : shortlisted few things
PA, kompang, MC: CNY further discuss
People : maybe take kumpulan wanita…kena bayar skit but should be ok
Other: almost similar with last one
Other issues : Inai sdn bhd, to update later if I left anythings
Tentative programme - roughly done..but still need to make it proper again...
Life after marriage
Home sweet home - loan approved Alhamdulillah, to sign S&P, apply KWSP, should be after our big day almost settle all about it
Honeymoon - our house kot…or maybe dekat2 ajelah…
Huhu so many things to do..but I believe we have progress quite good esp the major one has been booked like mak andam, photog
I still have few DIY that never ending *100% done by myself ape tak nyer..*but I still bloghopping to esp bride-to-be blogs....mana yg bagus saya ambil idea, mana yg saya tak mampu atau x berkenan – just leave it...since diff people have diff taste and budget...
I believe that we must try not compare from one wedding to another...sebab we do not contribute in $$$ pun kan..? of course yg mampu will spend to what they have, while brides yg bergolok-gadai all the saving will try their best to allocate all the $$$ *saya pun begitu...walaupun sy tulis all the part : Big day..all about wedding xsemua mgkn sy dpt penuhi..but at least sy mengenjoykan berangan dgn tengok gambar....berangan kan FREE!! *
Ok…bersambung kemudian..but before that enjoy the only pic…Congrats to Azam dan Shamsiah for their wedding *for both of us kenduri penutup 2008*

psstt.. since afraid that all my wedding things "hilang seri", I have decided not to put any pics on it..but surely I will post it once..after our big day..- lagipun my wedding should be something simple..nothing super-duper marvellous
Currently they are "my very best friend" tape IKEA.UHU.pen.pencil.cutter.scissor.plier.cutter.hand plaster.gam tembak.calculator.A4 notebook