Hi, before ms tepung membebel..let me enterframe..
My name is M (not real name).....

Saya kiut kan?
Today, I will tell you about my recent trip to Penang...why Penang? sbb Penang best..
Actually, I don't know where to go, just follow my brother in law (BIL)....wehuu..best..jalan2 naik kereta..
So to go Penang, we must take a ferry trip or drive through Penang Bridge....The ferry trip cost RM7.70 per car....
Lambatnyer nk sampai..meh posing titanic =p
Where to go in Penang..I am not really sure but I can advice based on my personal experience (but this is only day trip....)
First, we go to Batu Ferringhi..I think there is a lot of beaches over there..so my BIL parked his car at Miami Bay (eh ni oversea-kah?)

menikmati pemandangan di Miami Beach dgn rayban....
Then after having lunch over there..(best, angin sepoi2....), we have a trip to Komtar...but no pic taken.....
At Komtar, I got I purple t-shirt..cantik tau..sesuai ngan sy yg kiut..
After that...we pusing2 naik kereta..(saya x kuat nak jalan2..maka naik kereta jelah ye)
Then on the way, my father asked if I want to eat Nasi Kandar..and I said NO....
Heard their conversation about Pasembur...
Soo curious ....So I start to asked..
Pasembur to ape?
(semua dalam kereta ketawa..means they understand la...that I want to try that one lah =p )
So my BIL drive to Kompleks Makanan Medan Renong, Padang Kota Lama

Now I know this is Pasembur...

Harga RM20 sepiring besar? Bkn untk sy sorg je tau share 5 org
Sedap hingga menjilat muncung!
Makan kat sini best angin sepoi2 bahasa
Then, my family asked..Pasembur tu ape?
My answer : Pasembur tu macam rojaklah..macam2 ada
Then jalan2 lagi naik kereta....I cannot sleep tau!

Eh2 ade Penang Times Square..tapi blm leh masuk =(
Then, I have to say goodbye to Penang...Bila-lah nk pi lagi?
Bye2 Penang Bridge