Bersemangat "makan" toy?
As Alif will hit 6 months, it means this is the second time for me to wake up early morning to prepare his meals..
I remembered last time for Afham, I think I don't really have fancy cooking..just normal foods porridge, vegee puree, fuits puree, and of course with protein group - chicken, beef, eggyolk, tofu. And for pasta, oatmeal, and so on *ape yg pelik* I never tried to him when he started solid, perhaps because of pregnancy hormone - ya I found out that Im preganat while Afham just 7 months (now blame pregnancy hormone for all laziness!! apa da!).
Now with Alif, I consider I have basic knowledge and I really hope that this time I can try to cook even better and perhaps trying more new recipe *crossing my fingers that Alif suka makan homemade food, Insya Allah.*
So hereby I'm sharing checklist for the homemade baby food/ checklist for solid/ checklist cooking for baby dan yg seangkatan dengannya (rasanya tulis ikut flow tau dr penyediaan smpilah nk suapkan makanan)
knife, chopping board - asingla dr yg guna hari2, since yg guna harikan ada potong ladabekas2 plastik -same reason as above...bekas2 ni guna untk letak sayur/ buah/ ayam/ daging so on yg dipotong..sementara nk masuk dlm steamer/ potspots & cooking utensils - same reason as knife, chopping board..asingkanle sbb kot2la senduk2 tu dh kacau lada, karislow cooker - some mother said it makes their life easier...masuk sume bahan malam esok paginya dh masak..but I dun really plan to have one (dapur dh penuh mcm2 brg, plus masak nasi pun xsuka pakai rice cooker inikan plak slow cooker)steamerblender and/ or food processor - no need to buy fancy, normal blender will do..klu hadiah kawen banyak blh la gunakan? as long as can do pureeing, blending, mashingsmall holed strainer or fine mesh strainer: pushing more textured foods through to make a more fine and smooth purée..ops jgn plak pakai penapis teh anda...beli yang baru yecookie cutter - ni klu mak2 yg rajin buat biskut untk baby bolehla beli...even blh guna for toddler food preparation *esp yg picky eater..agak2 nmpk comel at least diorg eager sikit nk makan*ice cream mould - yes baby can have homemade ice cream! later will blog about this yeice cube tray with lid/ baby cubes/ storage containers for freezing - freezing food cubesfreezer bags / tupperware - storing the frozen food cubes from the ice traylabel & marker - laber freezer bags / tupperware with food cube type and date prepared and frozen..masking tape pun boleh guna..mcm kita simpan ebm frozen tufeeding set - mangkuk, sudu, sippy cup so on..bib - mcm2 jenis ada jual kat pasaran, ada yg kain ada yg plastik, ada yg disposable, ada yg dh rupa mcm baju..senang cakap sediakan ajelah duithighchair/ bumboo - bagi memudahkan urusan suap-menyuap..food thermos/ food jar - ni senangkan kerja nursery xpayah panaskan makanan. beside blh guna time outing with baby - like posted herefresh food feeder - baby can enjoy the fruits/ vege like posted hereYou also can check
here for the tools need for preparing homemade solid foods.
If you still wonder how FTWM (full-time-working-mum) can prepare homemade foods, you always can check all my postings
here to give some general ideas. Oh ya lesson learnt, this time use pure olive oil (POO)
My checklist above might be not 100% complete.. you can add on few items that you think that will help you to cook and prepare food fast, easy-peasy...cthnya nk beli food warmer ke, heat sensor spoon ke..its up to you. Banyak brg kat pasaran ni, yg penting ada uwangnya!
Oh ya..two website that I will read *again and again* which is really useful for the homemade baby food are :
On top of that, I found this blog that really inspiring me for homemade baby food*plus ada fb group, leh join tau..sgt informative-serious rasa xterfolo untk sy yg jrg2 msk fb*..and the good thing it also give some ideas to incorporate family recipe that can be enjoy the whole family! *leceh beb masak beround2...tp tgk blog kak farah baby pun leh join makan soto...cuma kena pandai la adjust tuk baby like no salt so on, so this time I should challenge sikit my cooking skills perhaps buat yg simple2 cth sweet potato puree for Alif, while extra2 sweet potato kita buat la bubur keledek ke - lps tu sume perang kentut! hihi *
Last but not least, some of my personal collection @ gadget untk prepare baby food..*xpelah tepon cikai janji ada sedikit sebanyak gadget dapur :P*

- Cookie cutter & ice cream mould (Daiso)
- Ice cube tray with lid (Giant)
- Thermos : Funtainers 10oz Food Jar (Rugby), The First Years : Take and Toss 8oz Toddler Bowls with Lids & Munchkin : Fresh Feeding Set (food grinder + fresh foos feeder) - mybbstore.com
- Thermos : 16oz stainless steel king food jar with spoon (Jusco)
Hope it will helps mums ideas where to find the "gadget"...mcm food thermos tu boleh try carik kat jusco, parkson...I noticed that kat bbstore dh xde set grinder + feeder...tp still ada feeder tu..so pandai2la carik ye..ni just sharing info
Last not least presenting "green - gadget"

Matching kan? Right for Afham (Daiso), left for Alif (Ikea)
Hope Afham don't fight because of diff plate! takut Afham gatal nk pakai bib plak..em alahai
Now I am not sure whether to have another baby chair.Currently we have one, bought from Ikea...klu beli lagi mgkn semakkan rumah, tak beli takut "berebut" ngan Afham nak letakkan Alif. Tapi klu beli in future dh xguna leh je jual balik kan? *ade ke yg nk beli?*
So happy cooking mummies...I believe we dont have to become Masterchef to cook for our lil ones :)