The magazines will help here and there...but seriously I really love Eh *cover Maya Karin..not only because I have attended the bengkel perkahwinan..but seriously it really helpful*
Urm, I only bought magazines as above and 4 extra magazines during last book fair..tak tahu le banyak ke tak..tp serius ia buatkan longgokan menimbun majalah kahwin..
For guys..they will read again..."The lost jewel..uhuk..P------ yang hilang” *yes gals might wonder..but you can asked from kakak2 ofis yang dah kawen about this book*
Wedding portal
There are a lot portals&forums discussing on this topic...so some link here might help you *some portal/forum requires you to become member...so why not?..just put ur nickname and register..u can become silent reader or active contributor...*
Stay tune...
*what do you think the relevance of Siti & DK pics above with my next entry?....*
*menuju puncak....lala*
mas kahwin, kari daging, dalca, pelamin, bunga manggar, upah jahit lace, jahit chiffon, kasut nikah, kos kahwin, photographer,...bla bla..bla bla....
All this thing will makes the bride to be so scared...even the groom also feel it esp when shaking tok kadi hand...
But it really worth it since two different person *this is not man from mars and women from jupiter...or whatever..haha* will become as husband and wife..two heart, soul become one...two family will become even bigger family...et cetera...
Nowadays wedding events will makes more money and profit to caterer, photographer, wedding planing and all the people involved directly or indirectly in this business...So the most important thing is planning and the rest have to ask from whom have experienced it before...
My big day will be confirmed soon….this will be the most awaiting moment. *aha penat tau asek dating, makan, jalan*...and I really want to write on it *anything I like, I know, my dream wedding...and so on...* It will be few series “persiapan perkahwinan” wedding-preparation..which might help myself as long checklist and maybe help other bride to be...Let start...
The right one
Takde calon pasangan macam mana nak kawen kan? so after find the right one then we will think to end the relationship*not the real end...just end the relationship as lovers but it will start as new world as husband and wife*
K-AH-W-I-N..sape tak suka kawen kan ;p ? penat2 bercinta *esp for those have long years of relationship maybe start from childhood turns into lovers..*
The date
08.08.08, 09.09.09, 10.10.10 wokeh this date seem that so like-able..Ada apa dengan tarikh?
The most important thing to set the date is to gather all the families..atok, sepupu, dua pupu...kupu2...hehehe
Some will have solemnization a day before reception, solemnisation+reception on the same day..or even solemnization followed by reception after some times *a week, a month..3 months or more...*
Try to arrange it accordingly and not to have the same wedding date with other relatives yg nak kawen….
I have my own version of checklist, dateline plus budget...This is the most important esp if you become CEO chief-everything-officer for your own wedding..
We can find it thru surfing, magazines...but it is not necessary to follow it 100% as it is only general guide...perasan tak checklist tu selalu tulis what we should do 6 month before until a day before wedding...erm..my list is buat ape yg boleh buat..mana2 yg berkaitan booking hanya dibuat bile dah confirm tarikh...
Yes this will be the main thing...nothing is free in this world..even toilet already cost 20cents or more...in Islam the main concern is mas kahwin, but it is not necessary in monetary value..It can be any valuable thing even teaching Al-Quran also can become mas kahwin..other that that we are encourage to have small feast to inform family, friends , neighbours...so at least they know that you are married...
Some might be lucky as family will sponsor partially or even all the wedding expenses, some even have to get personal loan, some even working harder and save every single cents...after all we should not expense all the savings for wedding because life after marriage still have a cost, even a lot..house, mesin basuh, tv lcd, katil, babies...the super-duper list
But I believe we should work out from what we have...if we only have little saving then the event should be in accordance to what we have...the wedding event is not to pleased other people because.....its hard to please others! *sob sob sob...hope my blog will generate little income for me...*
Kursus kahwin
*baik ustazah..ekin akan wat....pstt saya pun kursus ngan ustazah ni*
This is very important and most likely passport before you can submit the application...You can choose to attend it earlier *even before you meet the right one*
I have attended it together with enck tunang at Zura's Academy, Bangsar around last June..ustaz2 and ustazah have shared on few topic..procedures, hukum hakam, tanggungjawab, relationship, sex etc...we have very fun session for one and half day *erm..cannot stop laughing all the way..even one ustaz is talking about thundercat..*
Even at the end of 2nd day there is some kind of mock wedding...*naseb baik xkena pilih..kalau tak mauya jadi pelakon-bidan-terjun..*
Note : Make sure that you have booked earlier since the seat is limited for every weekend, have a good sleep esp for ceramah on Sunday, get some sweets since you might be sleepy for long hours stretching ceramah *it depens on penceramah juga..and topics*
Hantaran ...gifts-for-wedding
Malaysia is known for so many sale...will have sale for all the festival..even school holiday also have sale back-to-scholl-sale *not the kids will spend but their mummy will spend ;p* ..whoa!..supermarket anniversary sale and most popular will be year-end-sale *this year will be as super saving sale, jualan jimat malaysia kan?* ..So it should not be a big problem to find the things that you want for hantaran *except you are fussy huh*..most prefer to buy it during sale or towards the wedding...
Hmm...do you believe that for us, everything almost done..with left only few items...although people will say it will become outdated but who cares...as long as both of us like the things and still within our budget it should be ok...*lagipun penat jalan2 asik survey..kan lebih baik beli ajelah kan...lgpun dh berkenan...*
Note: Have proper checklist...5 balas 7, 7 balas 9 or even more *some even do not have hantaran kahwin since they have give it during engagament..* Set a budget for the gift and look for it...jangan rambang mata hingga terbeli apa yg tidak sepatutnya...Then spend some times to look few stores... *bf, tunang be patient k, girls always like that..they never buy it until they look around and satisty*
Decoration for hantaran...so many choices that we have..ask the expert to do it for you *its not free, you have to pay the cost* or for those who like DIY will do themselves...decoration varies from fresh flowers, artificial flowers, bunga dip, bunga stokin, colourful ribbon...*pergi jalan TAR mau rambang...silap2 budget pun boleh larik..*
For us, I will do by myself...huargh...still searching the ideas for both side..since I'm willingly to do it...but of course fresh flowers will not be in the list...*kampungku bandar koboi, susah nk jumpa fresh flower...*
Theme colour..theme wedding
This is the most in trend nowadays...garden wedding, white wedding, beach wedding...with specific theme colour...the theme wedding not necessary for myself, but for the colour I am still thinking on it*for hantaran, reception....and the rest maybe have some tone, colour combination...* Yes people might say it would nice if the bride, groom and families to have the same theme for clothing but sometimes it might lead to happen that pengantin tenggelam and families will shine...owh...maybe some colour coordination need to be done..
I'm not yet decided any specific colour *although I really like purple..warna kegemaran dr zaman kanak2* ...I'm not kind of following kaler yg sdg “in”..* but for akad nikah (solemnisation) , we will wearing white baju nikah...
to be continue...pls be patient *my brain is working...what to write and how to present it in the best sequence and try not to left anything*
N’way pictures from this entry *except gambar Ekin-Mawi* was during Anas wedding..*he is my cousin*… Updated: click here for more pics *pstt Anas dah jadik Zac Efron hmm..or hero citer korea/hindustan..??*
For Anas dan Ayu…Congratulation..Tahniah ;)
*taun depan sy jadik flowergurl ~ms tepung~*
opss..this will be Part I : Big day..all about wedding ..Stay tune for Part II k..
*jual bunga?..tidak...jual minyak bunga?..tidak..sayalah flowerman ;p*
*gossip girl*
*nice to see, nice to eat..once eaten, consider kenyang...Dila, aku buh lmbt sket pic..hehe*
Oho did I mention that saya beraya hingga ke PD? This unplanned trip was a last minute plan...and Alhamdullillah the weather was good and we even have opportunity to have a sunset view...so beautiful....and alang2 dh sampai PD sempat beraya lagi ke rumah housemate zaman MRSM dulu...*smpai gak aku rumah ko ek Angah*
*bercanda di pasiran pantai....lala*
*hercules? hulk hogan? ultraman taro? doraemon?*
*dugong? little mermaid with big drumstick?*
*almost similar pic like here*
JJCM activities seems not so important since all the pounds, fat here and there..so need to have some sort of exercise and control of foods intake....
But we still have some sort of JJCM during TA charity and family carnival at TA cark park *in front of KLCC* on 1st November...we found this oldchangkee Singapore curry puffs*bigger than canned drink*. . for RM 2O coupons we were enjoying mee rebus, mee kari, mineral water, soya beans, curry puff and ice cream...the price of the foods was slightly higher since it was for charity
I miss few series of challenge activities that held this year like Maju Junction Merdeka Hunt, PIC *maybe sbb takut jadik mcm PIC 2007 so tak masuk kot…* So I decided to join Terry Fox Run 2008at Lake Gargen on 2nd November ...not really running but brisk walk for 5++km...*its not a magic to lose few pounds but hopefully it will be a good starter for myself before siri2-diet untk kawen...yaya hopefully I will have my serious exercise plan after this*
Celebrity for the day was Ida Nerina *opss..she can zipped her mouth for Amazing Race Asia 3 result..so sad Bernie has been eliminated..uwa..*
*cheer team untuk high school musical 4?*
Amazing race asia is almost towards it end..but still few tv series just start 1-2 episode *I still couldn't understand that I could addicted to tv series but not to film yg bersiri2...eventhough tv series we need to have to watch it for several months*
Some of tv series that I will try to be patient and trying not to miss it *encik tunang now you will know why nowadays saya balik kerja on time..hehe* Awan Dania (Isnin 9-10mlm) Renjis 2 (Rabu 9-10mm) Heroes season 3 (have to check..x ingat Thursday 10pm)...and the most awaiting American Next Top Model Cycle 11 *Tyra Bank you rock!...Britain and Australian Next Top Model is not so impressive...huh maybe I love American accent...sounds clear kot*
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