...that I need to attend training since my boss couldn't make it...
Eh2 bkn ke ptt hepi? since training = makan2 dgn jayanya
Uwa...just thinking to start to fast in this Syawal (besides have the puasa 6, it should be helping me so that the next check up will be no problem esp when it come to weight...uwa2 sy x mau minum air gula)
So tomorrow and the day after have to attend the training which should be something new areas of knowledge ~ eh2 lupa plak ada possibility jumpa kawan2-kah?
Pen off for several days...I need to sleep before baby mengamuk ~ baby mengamuk or tekak yg meragam? uhu write this entry because try to neutralised rasa2 nk muntah...
Pls jangan muntah penat mummy goreng + makan jemput2 (ayah hang kata goreng cucuq...mummy kata cucuq ke jemput2 ikan bilis + bawang? see mummy stil try to improve vocab versi kedah...hihi)
Owh I must remember something..to ask MIA person is the training hours can be claimed as ACCA CPD hours? ~ serious since last year asik last minute jek....
28 September, 2009
26 September, 2009
Alahai dh nk keje....
Hari ni Sabtu
Esok Ahad
Lusa Isnin..dh start keje...uwa....tiba2 kepala rasa pusing pening2 nk kena keje...
Saya sudah balik ke rumah kami di XYZ....sudah kemas2, balang kuih raya pun dh isi seadanya...dan tukang habiskan kuih ialah encik suami ~ saya amik sikit2 takut nk makan kuih beria sbb nnt klu kuih x cukup kena beli lg plak?
So kira bolehla nk sambut sape2 nk dtg beraya...stok sirap pun ada 2 botol setengah ~ ni dari kenduri kawen sdiri..sbb berbaki maka tukang masak suruh simpan...dgn senang hatinya disimpan di kampung...sy bawk balik sikit untuk rumah sdiri
Tapi dalam banyak2 tugas yg x siap ( x start pun) ialah iron baju...uwa....banyak giler nk kena iron...Ada tak maid khas untk iron2 je nih? Nak pi hantar dobi mahal sbb charge ikut helai...
Entri hari raya sy belum ada mood nk menulis...Maybe sila2 la baca blog guru_muda
Sepanjang raya saya mmg sudah melantak...walau perut, kepala sume sudah signal mcm2
Skrg pula kepala saya pening, makan 6 sudu pun perut rasa penuh, ini belum balik kerja..berkira2 hendak membeli sedozen minyak cap kapak, 1-handbag sy, 1-office sy,1-office suami, 1-kereta suami, 1- kat tingkat atas, 1-kat bawah...selebihnya stok kecemasan sbb mak buyung sakit kepala, pak buyung encik suami yg xsakit kepala pun join lumur mintak kapak...maka bayangkan lah betapa cepatnya habis (eh2 trimester 1 minyak kapak x de pun tinggi permintaannya)
Sudah2 sy nk sambung tdo....sakit kepala...plan esok nk pi jogging..berjaya-kah?
20 September, 2009
Tak kira jugak..saya mau entri tarikh bertuah...
Selamat Hari Raya!
-entri auto post....xtau samada masa publish ni encik suami dah makan hasil masakan hari raya saya ngan adik saya berapa round..memandangkan inilah raya dia tanpa ketupat palas...mebi kalau xlalu ketupat nasi (sebenarnya sah2 xwt ketupat nasi..tp ketupat express) maka lemang sebatang reserve untk dia kot! dan saya pastinya mengomel baju raya yang sah2 ntah lagi berapa minggu xmuat! Sini sana membesar erk...xpe encik suami kata klu rasa dh xmo bg je kat ude ( ko nk ke? hahaha)
Selamat Hari Raya!
-entri auto post....xtau samada masa publish ni encik suami dah makan hasil masakan hari raya saya ngan adik saya berapa round..memandangkan inilah raya dia tanpa ketupat palas...mebi kalau xlalu ketupat nasi (sebenarnya sah2 xwt ketupat nasi..tp ketupat express) maka lemang sebatang reserve untk dia kot! dan saya pastinya mengomel baju raya yang sah2 ntah lagi berapa minggu xmuat! Sini sana membesar erk...xpe encik suami kata klu rasa dh xmo bg je kat ude ( ko nk ke? hahaha)
17 September, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya semua

Saya masih ada lagi hari ini dan esok untuk kerja ~ kerja tp mood raya
Malam ini harus berkemas untuk balik Segamat esok malam. Item paling penting dibawa pulang baju raya, album2 kawen, kamera dan tripod.
Kalau ikutkan hajat di hati macam2 nk buat masa balik kg ~ eh2 saya mengidam makan ubi rebus (jiran sebelah kat kg memang rajin memberi ubi), goreng pisang cicah cili kicap, nasi briyani kat Segamat...tapi kedai belum tentu buka kan?
Lagi bagus kalau dapat cari belimbing buluh..leh wat masak lemak belimbing buluh....Ye tekak selera org kg...padahal pttnya sibuk nak makan rendang, lemang dsb
Oh lagi satu cuti panjang harus dimanfaatkan mengambil surat nikah. Selama ni hanya ada sekeping kertas dari imam jurunikah
Sila jangan muntah tgk kad atas pun ada gambar kawen ~ xpe taun depan xde dh lagi gambar kawen ok?
Buat yang beraya kali terakhir sebagai bujang, nikmati raya ini...jgn lupa belajar resepi2 raya...mana tahu tahun depan sibuk pula menunjuk skill depan mak mertua
Buat yang baru pertama kali beraya sebagai suami isteri, lps raya mari kita ramai2 post gambar beraya kali pertama sbg suami isteri yg sedondon
Selamat Hari Raya semua
Di kesempatan ini mintak maaf bagi segala tulisan yg secara tidak sengaja menyinggung mana2 pihak...saya juga manusia
16 September, 2009
Goodbye trimester one, welcome trimester 2
From the first time that we know we are pregnant, it will embark a new journey to the motherhood…
Each mum-to-be have a different stories to be shared, so have a healthy journey (except the bump membesar) , some even struggling at the very early stage, some even have miscarriage...
Even if we heard so many other experiences from sesi gossip girl/ sesi cik kiah-bedah gosip2 to the reading, I believe it wouldn’t be same until you feel it
I believe, the pregnancy sickness is something can be expected but it is far different from the wedding preparation (ada kaitan kah?). Since woman have so many dreams for their wedding which comes true (maybe not perfect as will be hiccups here and there, but we are all humans just planning for the best)
And the pregnancy also almost similar, having dreams of how many kids, name, gender, how big the bump? And so on..
But the sickness, is far away from the dreams..it is something expected but never know how hard it is (again depends ok?, kang ada plak org takut nk pregnant sbb baca entry nih..pls dun judge this ok? I’m just sharing my stories here)
Here some of my trimester one stories
1] Big no to perfume. I cannot wear perfume as my nose consider it too sweet~aik wangi pun x suka?…However do not have problem if smell others wearing perfume ~ nasib baik still leh boleh pakai deodorant
2] My nose becomes sensitive, sometimes I can stand toast and coffee smell (usually this two smells in office la..), sometimes I have a headache after smell this two items…pelik kan
3] I have never-ending tiredness….only sleep sleep sleep…even after so many hours pun mcm tak cukup..plus the super-lazy...ye rumah mcm dh tahap kapal karam...
Sehingga rasa mcm mau amik maid ~ masa tu siap fikir ada ke maid iron baju je? since task inilah yg plg liat nk wt sedangkan masa bujang dulu saya boleh iron stock baju seminggu + masa mula2 kawen dl siap iron baju seminggu suami isteri...bila pregnant task ini no longer feveret
4] Morning sickness. I have all version, morning sickness, evening sickness, and night sickness…but most of the days will be evening sickness
Most of the days I felt sick..esp on working days (kalau ikut rasa hati mau saja tender, but after considering all the expenses maka ditahankan saja)..plus esp after lunch surely I will vomit like mentioned here)
5] Despite of the sickness saya tiada masalah dgn bau encik suami any version ~ since sometimes si isteri x tahan bau suami even klu ikutkan biasa xde pun bau pelik..
6] I still can cook, but most of the times trying new recipe. But while eating, encik suami sungguh2 kata sedap, but my taste too bad..sume x sedap..uwa sudahla beria2 masak, sdiri rasa x sedap ..nasib baik suami makan kata sedap
7] My favourite channel is AFC 703..siap tersuka kat Michael Smith lagi (but xde pun try his recipe). Most of the time watching 703 from Chopped, Iron Chef, Cook at Home, Table for 3, Sweets for my sweets and so on. Until one day I asked encik suami, kalau anak kita jd chef tak pa ka? Kalau anak kita lelaki pstuh jadi chef pun tak pa ka? Encik suami rilek je kata no problem
8] I hate internet rasa macam malas nk tgk..sume xbest. Until now I have few entries still in my brain only..
9] Since most of the times I vomit, I have imagined soooo many foods…some I have eaten it some still not.Most of it Malay foods ~ tekak Melayu, citarasa omputih hanya la bila tgk 703
10] consider myself do not have cravings..~ ye banyak hnya imagine kat kepala, tp xde merengek2 mintak kat encik suami. Even sometimes kalau teringin sgt pun still boleh delay2 nk makan..xdelah tgh2 malam kejut suami kata sy nk makan itu ini..
11] I love spicy and sour. But no to asam..love spicy until encik suami amat risau, since I have gastric….but nasib baik xde problem tu..
And for sour, of course favourite drink, will be ribena, limau suam, teh o limau suam.
12] From reading, to reduce the nausea eat crackers and asam. I have tried both. But after some times, crackers, asam suma masuk dalam toilet bowl
13] My officemate always claimed me as a pale person ~ Suma takut nk tegoq lps kuaq toilet..depa takut dgq bunyi org muntah ka? Some even asked me to take some leave..hoho nk kawen arituh dh amik cuti banyak, nk xnak sakit cmna pun tahan jelah
14] Nobody offer me their seat in lrt, komuter, erl..since bumps till now obvious (even skrg bump show something, still nobody offer, but I always see people stare at my bump…eh2 pelik kah perut sy?)
15] I still can fit my baju kurung ~ but pls dun asked kat mana getah kain..however not to jeans and pants..so I have to wear maternity jeans and pants starting from week 11. (some of officemate said biar betul..nk wt cmner, dh x muat..xkan nk jd sarung nangka plak)
16] Belum buat buku merah ~ the reason, I call the govt clinic nearby house, they said please come after week 14.
Okeh cukupla..kan story-mory
Overall, I would consider my first trimester as tough. I don’t think that it was too bad ~ my rating bad means that admitted and warded in hospital for few days.
I thought that the morning sickness will be there since some even said they have morning sickness for 9 months. Since after coming back from MIL house, I have vomited every night before sleep (sudahla puasa sepanjang siang, malam makan hanya masa buka + makan sikit je, leh plak muntah balik sume…nasib baik makan sahur x kuar balik..tp lembik lg for few days).
However, since entering week 15 I fell much better and hopefully stay like this…Insya Allah...
p/s: just reading from few blogs, theres forums have like fire fighting on BF and FM..adeh then yg baru2 nk belajar/ cari2 ilmu ni cmner?
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14 September, 2009
Happy 6 months anniversary =)
Pejam celik pejam celik hari ni genap sudah 6 bulan kahwin ~ eh2 rasa mcm br semalam je jd pengantin...
Okeh nantikan review 6 months of anniversary..owh xde sesi candle light dinner hanya makan kat kedai mamak dekat rumah je
Stay tuned ~ sbb dh ngantuk nk perah idea tulis2 nih
Okeh nantikan review 6 months of anniversary..owh xde sesi candle light dinner hanya makan kat kedai mamak dekat rumah je
Stay tuned ~ sbb dh ngantuk nk perah idea tulis2 nih
13 September, 2009
Bulan puasa pun ada pencuri ke?
The original header should be “Entri Makan Makan” ~ kunon nk bg early warning kot nnt korg terliur baca…but since I have a not so good experience maybe I should write it plus lps ni kena beringat..almaklumlah from reading that pregnant woman have a tendency of forgetfulness
Okeh lets starts with the happy stories..Jom pi makan eskrem nyoq (ice cream coconut). It has been a while really want to eat eskrem nyoq, however seems that every weekend I have a letih-lembik-kuat tido-etc-esp on weekends so the plan never execute
Since this weekend, SIL couldn’t make it to come to KL, we decided to pi-buka-kat-luar…and of course nomination was Eskrem Nyoq
Lets the pics do their part

Thai Express have 3 Ramadan set to try RM 45, RM 50, RM 55 (all for 2 person)..and we choose set A; which consists of 2 steamed rice, kurma and the followings

Tofu with sambal
Fish and mango kerabu

Tomyam Chicken Soup
Both of us really like Tom Yam and kerabu ~ bak kata encik suami nasib amik set A, sbb set B and C dapat tomyam putih, tom yam set A ni Tom Yam merah..tom yam kung..~ hihi sape yg decide? Ngee
Try to put everything on the small table (eskrem nyoq dh cair...huhu)
But the drink is not included with the set.
And the star of the day ~ Read bean dessert but we call it as eskrem nyoq
But I really disappointed that the dessert was served very early (by the time Maghrib, eskrem nyoq dh cair..huhu I dun like to put both in the mouth..sbb nanti eskrem nyoq ngan read bean gaduh..hihi).Hope that next time can eat the ice cream like here
Before breaking fast, we visited IKEA…nothing to buy since seeing the long que..but I just know something that baby cot have a teething rail ~ baby nk asah gigi ka? I never know that the baby will try to bite their coat..nnt ada anak sdiri leh p tgk..
Besides that since I have a good mood, buying some baju raya

Baju raya kami
Eh eh actually since I couldn’t fit my t shirt have to buy this..(except the white for encik suami, he request me to buy also so bolehla mcm Ekin Mawi yg pakai tshirt sama, but me x mo sbb white shirt kena pakai inner...udahlah pregnant badan panas...pakai 2 lapis nnt super-panas..)
Plus buying a table runner and 2 cushion cover ( I have been hunting the design since few months back, tp masa tu mahal, and the table runner not having so many choice of colours and it is 1.5m)
But after magrib prayer, I left the plastic bag with the table runner and cushion cover inside the surau..And only realized after 15-20 mins..
So patah la balik, dgn harapan (actually dh siap berangan rupa umah lps dh buh benda2 tuh), but to my disappointment..sudah –tiada…
Oyoyo in this holy month+surau pun ada pencurik? Isk2 dh le curik barang perempuan pregnant…
Encik suami think that I have misplaced, but I am pretty sure that the last place that I put the plastic bag was inside the surau…and he said “ anggap jelah sedekah bulan puasa”
The wife (of coursela me) was very angry plus disappointed sbb sudahlah berminggu2 puasa ni asik pregnant sickness, and only this few days je rasa betul2 sihat dan leh pusing2 sikit shopping (udahle umah x tukar langsir ke, beli bunga ke, barang deco…yg beli hanya bekas kuih raya ~ tu pun versi murah sbb half of the way shopping malas dh nk pk2 sbb rasa x sihat)
Never mind after raya will get new one ~ hopefully dapat kaler idaman, plus leh la g makan karipap IKEA + eskrem nyoq
p/s : masa nk buka br perasan kan org selalu kata pregnant xelok minum air kelapa..(but masa hujung2 pregnant leh minum sbb nnt baby bersih), tp kan sbb dh ada atas meja x kan nk biarkan je..hihi
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Love and life,
Private for temporary for raya decoration...
...will be back very soon. Stay tuned. TQ =)
Updated : Some renovation for Hari Raya done here...but still have to change here and there. I need to go to sleep since I already cannot think ~ owh I don't know html code here and there so better stop from I spoiled the template and then need to spend for hours to redo it again...
Beruntungkan blog nih dpt baju raya baru?..hihi
Hope you will like the new look =)
Updated : Some renovation for Hari Raya done here...but still have to change here and there. I need to go to sleep since I already cannot think ~ owh I don't know html code here and there so better stop from I spoiled the template and then need to spend for hours to redo it again...
Beruntungkan blog nih dpt baju raya baru?..hihi
Hope you will like the new look =)
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11 September, 2009
What will our baby look alike?
Oho....is it I am too excited? Hahaha..
Actually I'm thinking to post summary of trimester 1, however thinking that it will need my brain plus my hands to type, I will leave it to weekends ~ hopefully lak kan?
I do not meant that I am trying to against ciptaan Allah yg amat berkuasa..it just a little bit wonder...since it is too early to know how the baby will look alike, through scan..
So just google to find out if there is any website offer how the baby will be? Ye bagaimana rupa bakal bayi di lahirkan? ~ leh x tba2 teringat masa Siti ngan DK nk kawen, terbaca kt 1 forum beria2 nk agak2 baby diorg rupa cmner..but it was really lawak, sbb baby tu ada misai DK..aha
And since the technology is there...just trying...~baby, ur mother is just trying to help herself of being happy ok? no matter what u look alike, u are mummy and daddy baby
And since using encik suami mac, I really do not know where he save all the pics ~ malas nk korek2...so I decided one of the wedding photo that I post in this blog
The message from the website while waiting for the process...
please hold on while we make your baby... it shouldn't take more than 9 months ;).
of course it won't take 9 months :P as it using the technology (but nobody can challenge Allah power)...
Wanna know? How it will be the baby will be look alike?
Hmm after seeing, I am a little bit hmmmmmmmmmmmmm (yes very long hmm, while encik suami dh tertido penat)

Because, it has some omputih look ~ encik suami, adakah itu terkenan my France FM, other other expats in my office? hiks
I am pretty sure after this the website will be traffic as newly wed, expecting mother + father, even couples...as of course they wonder how their baby will look alike? Plus u can imagine ur baby (ies) if your parther is celebrities...Angelina Jolie, Brithey, Hannah Montana, Zac Efron, Brat Pitt, Siti, Mawi,..anybody...as long as u can download the celebrities photo..=)
It is no harm to try, as it is free...just make sure follow the steps and the rest judge after the baby come out kot...
Okeh, I want to continue study Las Vegas = Delinda + Danny (apa lagi kalau bkn Delinda the pregnant woman)
09 September, 2009
Remember last year? o8o8o8...seems couples tried to get married on the "ong"-lucky date
And this year 090909..anyone get married in this Ramadan...?
I have something that celebrates 10 years old...let guess...bear? surat chenta? signature from idola? pointer 4 flat?
Aha..wrong guess....it is a passport photo taken on 09.09.1999 ~ pls ignore the 10 years back look okeh...zaman muda remaja..
And it always become my favourite passport photo ~ huhu although the look so innocent, I prefer to use it for my resume until back 2 years...
And I think last year, couples also choose to get married 20.08.2008...
This year 20.09.2009 we will celebrate 1st raya...such nice date....
So hows ur raya preparation? Of course for those will get married right after raya, raya is not so important list ~ except it will be the last raya as single...
Hmm this year preparation, is so - so....I have no mood...even order few kerepek, bought balang kuih raya, baju raya ~ encik suami sungguh2 sbb taun pertama beraya, and the rest nothing...(plan nk wt langsir baru delayed as am so lazy...plus mengconsider rumah tonggang terbalik, since the shop provide to house services to measure for the curtains ~ yg 1st round tu main agak2 tibai okeh)
Not much mood since my health is so-so ~ nk round2 pusing2 tawaf shopping complex untk beli balang kuih raya pun xde...nampak, belek, terus beli..no such compare the price-design-so on
So only the budgeted things..
....but I hope will save all the energy for YES Year-end-sale...encik suami please make sure both of us will be 150% healthy during YES, we will have major shopping for the upcoming new member family..owh plus some savings for the very first investmnet baby coat, stroller, etc ~ yes all is not cheap, maybe should calling2 my senior2 in this things, so can asked for the bargain baby things
Till we meet again ~ this is auto post entry...i need to wash the plates...and owh mau rasmikan susu enfamama...to compare with anmum, which one is much more better?
And this year 090909..anyone get married in this Ramadan...?
I have something that celebrates 10 years old...let guess...bear? surat chenta? signature from idola? pointer 4 flat?
Aha..wrong guess....it is a passport photo taken on 09.09.1999 ~ pls ignore the 10 years back look okeh...zaman muda remaja..

And it always become my favourite passport photo ~ huhu although the look so innocent, I prefer to use it for my resume until back 2 years...
And I think last year, couples also choose to get married 20.08.2008...
This year 20.09.2009 we will celebrate 1st raya...such nice date....
So hows ur raya preparation? Of course for those will get married right after raya, raya is not so important list ~ except it will be the last raya as single...
Hmm this year preparation, is so - so....I have no mood...even order few kerepek, bought balang kuih raya, baju raya ~ encik suami sungguh2 sbb taun pertama beraya, and the rest nothing...(plan nk wt langsir baru delayed as am so lazy...plus mengconsider rumah tonggang terbalik, since the shop provide to house services to measure for the curtains ~ yg 1st round tu main agak2 tibai okeh)
Not much mood since my health is so-so ~ nk round2 pusing2 tawaf shopping complex untk beli balang kuih raya pun xde...nampak, belek, terus beli..no such compare the price-design-so on
So only the budgeted things..
....but I hope will save all the energy for YES Year-end-sale...encik suami please make sure both of us will be 150% healthy during YES, we will have major shopping for the upcoming new member family..owh plus some savings for the very first investmnet baby coat, stroller, etc ~ yes all is not cheap, maybe should calling2 my senior2 in this things, so can asked for the bargain baby things
Till we meet again ~ this is auto post entry...i need to wash the plates...and owh mau rasmikan susu enfamama...to compare with anmum, which one is much more better?
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Love and life
05 September, 2009
Balik kg...
Bersiaran dr Kg Sg Seluang ~ hehe canggih bb celcom full coverage
Dear baby..and in future together with all the sibling ~ rezeki Tuhan xtau dpt berapa kan?, you must know that ur mummy and daddy village have all the animals and plants name...
Let start with father village ~ Kg Sg Seluang, Kedah...although till now ur mummy never seen one of ikan seluang, but later maybe u can ask ur father the description of it
And ur mummy village ~ Buloh Kasap.Pokok buluh ada, tp buloh kasap mummy xsure (nnt mummy korek2 kajian sejarah time sekolah2 dulu k). U must know Buloh Kasap ni famous tau..every time ur mummy in taxi to go KL Sentral (of coz masa bujang la), the drivers always asked " balik kg ka?" ~ refer beg2 extra...Mummy will definately answer yes and when mummy answer Balik Buloh Kasap...and seems all the drivers answers ooo kg Normala Samsudin, pahtu mention durian Segamat
Ok till then..battery is almost kong...to be continued
02 September, 2009
14 - empat belas - fourteen
Bukan sesi ajar nombor..
Just saw the ticker
14 weeks...and we will be in 14th Ramadan this Friday (mcm cepat je, half of Ramadan)
14 weeks embarking 2nd trimester...
But unfortunately I still have sickness...Ya Allah tabahkan lah hati sepanjang pregnancy ini
But Alhamdulillah, till day I still can fast ~ even tho rupa kureng-lembik-lesu
This evening, I still vomit...sudahlah bulan puasa selera biasa2 (x de nafsu nafsi), sahur makan ala kadar, evening spending some time with ms toilet (rasa lebih teruk di bulan puasa) sbb smpi ketaq...agaknya sbb xde pe nk dikeluarkan melainkan air
Combo it with cough ~ hoho dh berminggu2 x baik gak...minum air suam, makan ubat, makan madu...but seems not ok..maka slps batuk2 bersiri isi tekak rasa nk terkeluar ~ tp nasib baik all the while sempat smpi elok2 kat toilet..
Owh kadang rasa bersalah takut2 menakutkan ofismate yg masih bujang2 mendengar saya "bersuara" dlm toilet...
Malam esok bertolak balik ke rumah mertua..Harap sy x meragam (br perasan smjk tau pregnant, kami x travel ke mana2)
Nevermind. Be patient. At least with a lot of pregnancy sickness at least I have a lot of time to rest =) ~ before we come to the sleepless world
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