29 October, 2009
Purple wedding vs ????
Yeah..I am still bloghopping to bride to be blog and noticed eh2 ada gak nk pakai kaler purple yek...
So for those still looking ideas for purple wedding, you always can refer to my blog...~ ek mcm sesi glamourkan diri...gambar kawen dlm archive bln 5/6 k...archive tag not there since I'm still not finish sesi make-up blog..huhu ntah bila nk siap final layout nih?
Truthfully....if wedding have theme, the for baby ada theme jugak ke? Pink always for girl, blue for boy...but until this day we still have no idea either it is a boy or girl
But, I am still not doing baby-shopping, the reason bgla mak buyung shopping untk diri sdiri mcm entry sblm nih..hihi
Our baby already gave a real kick to ayah..encik suami, pls expect more in next few weeks..(means that I also have to be prepare with all-kind-kicking-version....)
Ok..times up...need to rest...Insya Allah this weekend we will do JJCM...if success I will reveal it here...
27 October, 2009
Jom pi soping online
Okeh recently I made a lot online shopping....dapat duit bonus kah? No-No...Eyh but I just got deposit umah-sewa-bujang dulu yang cukup cover 6 helai baju...see, encik suami xleh komen sbb isteri accountant yg pandai match expenses with budget.
hihi plus ur wife know that she has been be very selekeh for past few months...so sila jangan hantar ur wife as calon2 Tangkap Muat...xmo rizalman punggah2 my clothes pstu gelak2 mcm episod yg kita tgk tuh!
And also I have bought this book...encik suami, I bought it since u read while I have dentist visit...hope we can learn together2...(em saiful islam pun baca buku nih but I believe he read the original version which in English...nevermind we read in Bahasa supaya senang faham...)

24 October, 2009
Tolong bagitau eating place-crab-halal-affordable-KL/Selangor pls...
20 October, 2009
Ms, Mrs, Miss.....mari belajar bahasa
16 October, 2009
Open house warming....

Insya Allah ada rezeki next time boleh wt lagi...ada ke blogger yang nk dtg?
11 October, 2009
Hari Raya sebulan kan?
04 October, 2009
Can you understand the ultrasound printout?
But when it comes to ultrasound printout, I have a wild guess....(main agak2 kot)..
Watching the heatbeat, some active pose (owh serious yesterday the baby is likely to do taichi buah semangka kot..or anguk2 geleng2 rap?...ke sbb ayah tgk transformer before the scan so the baby is likely doing so transformer action????) is really cannot be descibe in writing....
Before the scan yesterday the doctor asked whether I already fell something from the bump - although is not really obvious?..Straight away my answer was YES...but again is a wild guessing tangankah? kakikah? or kepalakah yg bergerak2?
And at the end of the meeting, the doctor will pass the printout with the few terms BPD, FL...(erk apekah itu??? tgk gambar kawen lagi senang nk guess tgh sebak kah, super hepi kah, gedik kah..betul tak?)
The only thing I understand EDD ~ hmm I still try to understand how my last time and this time scan have diff EDD by 2 weeks? maybe due to my eating habit?
And I try to google
1. BPD - Bi Parietal Diameter. The width across the baby's head. Taken at 13 - 39 weeks.
2. HC - Head Circumference. The distance around the baby's head. Taken at 22 - 39 weeks
3. AC - Abdominal Circumference. The distance around the baby's tummy/belly. Taken at 22 - 39 weeks
4. FL - Femur length. The length of the thigh bone. Taken at 13 - 39 weeks
5. CRL - Crown Rump Length. Top of head to end of bottom. Taken at 6 - 12weeks.
6. EFW - Estimated Fetal Weight. Calculated from the BPD;HC;AC;FL at growth scan. Gives actual weight at time of scan, not predicted birth weight.
Further check understanding your babies ultrasound scan
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Hope this will help mummy and daddy to be to understand more =)
p/s : I think most of the husband will asked how it feels when the baby makes some moves? even at my current stage of pregnancy is still early to have all the active kicks but seriously I can felt something weird
02 October, 2009
Kena beli ke?
This morning while listening to the radio (since one of the caller said his husband bought a car for their son – uni student), I pop out the related question to encik suami
Me : Bang, kalau anak kita dh besar, masuk uni, kita kena belikan diorg kereta ke?
Him : Beli...
Me : Beli ke? (Owh, dalam hati berfikir how struggling my uni last time..terbayang2 menjadi minah selit-menyelit mau jugak naik bas itm tuh, itu belum lagi adegan ikan sardin bas mini pink..siap berdiri depan pintu bas ~ of course it was scary while considering the stability of the bus + pintu bus yg xpernah tutup)
Me : Beliii ke???? (Since x puas hati...biaqla anak2 kami nnt belajaq susah gak mcm mak pak dia nih)
Him : Beli......
beli kereta mainan....
Me : Hahahahahaha.....(pagi2 sudah terkena)