27 September, 2010
Solid food : Cooking porridge for ur lil one
Since Afham already started solid, now I can write another topic..solid food! (grrr bnyk entri hutang..kc dh siap xtepek gmbr lagi..tu xmasuk citer raya)
So I copied from ratuhati.com several ways of cooking porridge for lil one
Cara 1
1. Masak nasi seperti biasa.
2. Ambil nasi mengikut kadar yang bayi makan.
3. Kisarkan nasi dan beberapa sudu susu menggunakan alat pengisar.
4. Cairkan dengan menambahkan susu lagi jika perlu.
5. Tambahkan kepekatan dengan mengurangkan jumlah susu apabila anak sudah semakin selesa makan bubur yang lebih pekat.
Cara 2
1. Basuh beras mengikut kuantiti bayi makan (atau lebih).
2. Goreng beras tanpa minyak dengan api kecil sehingga beras keperang-perangan.
3. Setelah beras sejuk, kisarkan sehingga menjadi serbuk dengan alat pengisar kering.
4. Simpan dalam bekas kedap udara.
5. Jika anda ingin memasaknya, ambil mengikut kuantiti bayi makan.
6. Bancuhkan dengan air dan kacau sehingga rata.
7. Jerangkan di atas api kecil sehingga bubur mendidih beberapa minit.
8. Campurkan susu jika ingin bubur nasi bersusu.
Cara 3
1. Masak nasi seperti biasa.
2. Apabila nasi hampir kering, cedukkan sedikit nasi (amaun bubur yang bayi makan) dan masukkan ke dalam mangkuk yang tahan panas.
3. Masukkan air mendidih ke dalam nasi dalam mangkuk tadi.
4. Letakkan mangkuk tadi di atas nasi sebelum anda menutup periuk nasi dengan penutupnya.
5. Biarkan sehingga nasi masak dan bubur nasi bayi lembut.
6. Ini untuk bayi yang besar sedikit.
Cara 4
1. Beras dicampur dengan air dengan nisbah 1 beras : 4 air.
2. Masak dengan api kecil sehingga beras kembang dan pecah.
Cara 5
1. Masak menggunakan slow cooker.
Ok2...you can choose and follow whicever suit with ur preference...What I do currently and practical for me (ni masa rajin masak hari2 la in future kita cerita nanti la)
1. I'm using organic brown rice
2. Sukat beras untuk 1-2 minggu
3. Using blender, kisar beras itu..so jdla rice powder
4. Keep it in the tupperware..pastikan kedap udara
5. Pagi2 bila nak masak amikla bbrapa sudu rice powder masukkan dalam penapis teh
6. Basuh beras bersih2
7. Masak..hingga jadi bubur
Next time I will post about fruit& vege puree...oh ya..silala kisar bubur untk early stage ni..
Labels :
Cooking lil tummies,
24 September, 2010
Curtain is langsir...kan?
Jadi perempuan sungguhla banyak nk kena pikir...klu tak caye meh kita study sama2 jenis2 pattern langsir
Pencil pleat
New box pleat
Double pleat
Singapore pleat
Slot in
Triple pleat
New wide tap top
French pleat
Tab top
Ok. Now do you believe me? 11 design yg mampu buat terbelit...Bab langsir2 ni xpernah kisah until la nak kawen...since mak dh xde terkedek2la ngan cikde cari langsir...cikde jd tukang ukur dan myself pilih design, kaler kangsir tuk rumah...jahit plak Tok sedara tolong jahitkan...so idakle payah sesi-langsir ini
For myself first time tempah langsir untk rumah sdiri amatlah tak reti. Nasib baik tuan rumah xtanggal kan langsir..So I just measure and use some imagination to know total of the curtain length nk borong..kira punya kira 40m++ (pengsan! tu rumah 2 tingkat kecik ja, dan tu br french pleat)
Putting up the day curtain first
Dah alang2 kemas rumah, Afham pun dpt tempias...
Lepas dh tempah 2nd curtain, brla tergodek2 nk tau nama2 langsir..so terhasillah entri ini =)
So for next time maybe planning curtain for kitchen area...maybe roman blind and button tab (dekat2 nk masuk area dapur)...and the good thing is the above lady said she can do it (so at least I know she will come-measure-and send it to the doorstep!!! Yeay...)
But, I need to find some time for curtain hunting..opss before that I need to measure total length of curtain to buy....(hmm tggu Afham tdo br leh operasi ukur2 ni)
Hmmm just notice that langsir dh 2 set, handbag sdiri xberganti lagi dr zaman sblm kawen...tsk tsk tsk

Credit to here (for name and also pic)
Ok. Now do you believe me? 11 design yg mampu buat terbelit...Bab langsir2 ni xpernah kisah until la nak kawen...since mak dh xde terkedek2la ngan cikde cari langsir...cikde jd tukang ukur dan myself pilih design, kaler kangsir tuk rumah...jahit plak Tok sedara tolong jahitkan...so idakle payah sesi-langsir ini
For myself first time tempah langsir untk rumah sdiri amatlah tak reti. Nasib baik tuan rumah xtanggal kan langsir..So I just measure and use some imagination to know total of the curtain length nk borong..kira punya kira 40m++ (pengsan! tu rumah 2 tingkat kecik ja, dan tu br french pleat)
Then I do some sketch and pass to the tailor...Haha mmg lawak sbb I just mention jahit lurus dan kena bubuh tape putih (without knowing itu adalah french pleat)
The output, okla for first timer. Walau ada yg mcm senteng sikit, terlabuh sket (hehe...xpa ok je janji kain sume cukup) ...Den xmampu nk amik Macy (tu sume leh diorg ukur elok dan jahit).
Langsir pertama...ukur beria bagai
Upah jahit kira ikut design dan kaki...So the first curtain cost me almost RM500 (RM 200++ for curtain, RM 200++ for sewing..kain curtain pun amik yg rega dlm 3-4hinggit semeter- sob sob sbb blm mampu nk beli langsir mahal)
So for the 2nd curtain (yeay kaler purple!), I manage to find someone stay nearby my house that can sew curtain (they have website previously, but sekrg xde). Kedai diorg kt Putrajaya...but I never visit their shop. So just sms this lady (nasib simpan no from website tu)
She help to measure and this time I requested eyelet for sliding door. She mentioned boleh gak kata ring curtain @ eyelet..(Haha again masa nk tempah tu xtau nama, I just show pic)
Haha...den xtau ada benda ni..so bantai jelah cangkuk2 (lps dh pasang br faham..untk bg ombak dia cantik)
Purple eyelet curtain @ ring curtain
Ting! kalau tutup sume
For this curtain spend for rm280 (upah jait sume) and cost of curtain itself around rm200++
Ibu dh reserve play land kat living hall
Lepas dh tempah 2nd curtain, brla tergodek2 nk tau nama2 langsir..so terhasillah entri ini =)
So for next time maybe planning curtain for kitchen area...maybe roman blind and button tab (dekat2 nk masuk area dapur)...and the good thing is the above lady said she can do it (so at least I know she will come-measure-and send it to the doorstep!!! Yeay...)
But, I need to find some time for curtain hunting..opss before that I need to measure total length of curtain to buy....(hmm tggu Afham tdo br leh operasi ukur2 ni)
Hmmm just notice that langsir dh 2 set, handbag sdiri xberganti lagi dr zaman sblm kawen...tsk tsk tsk
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Home Sweet Home
22 September, 2010
Baby : Standby items and some tips for mommies
Erm.....ermmmm(long one).
Aha I dun know what to post exactly for the title, (nanti krg korg click baca2 xrelevan lnsg tajuk ngan isi)
Being the first time parents make us worried esp when it come to little one...flu, cough, etc. But after 6months it gave some confidence and at least manage to handle it (I'm still learning...)
So hereby list of standby items. Some of it in mummy-baby checklist, some are personally created.

Please have it almost everywhere - handbag, car, house, office. Why I consider it as important...hmm at least rain don't stop u from moving around..esp time petang rushing from office nak amik anak...lgla plak parking kat open space (to be specific rushing sbb rindu banget sama anak besides to avoid from having so much OT)

Fan - battery operated and manual
Usually people will have clip on fan, but I add mini fan and also kipas tangan..both always in my handbag, it become useful when it comes to blackout, kenduri, or any places that do not have fan (or xcukup sejuk bg si kecil)
Besides nose cleaner, this thing become useful when baby having flu or nose blockage..(eh2 baby blom leh korek bersihkan hidung, so this thing very useful when it comes to nasal cleaning (even adult also can use!) You can find it at Watson, Guardian..and it is safe even kalau tersembur ke mata...and it is can be use baby and also adult

Baby balsam
Some might use Vicks (I use once to Afham but I read it is not safe for babies below 2 years old!)..so while looking for Sterimar in the pharmacy and notice this Baby balsam...It is for babies from 3 months up to 5 years. It is useful when baby having cough

Tepung ubi
Ewww..apa kaitan tepung ubi plak?..This is for nappy rashes..oh ya I put in in the powder puff (hehe xkan nk carik kat dapur plak..so I have 2 powder puff, I for powder, 1 for tepung ubi)
Please make sure you buy pink in color for babies (up to 2 years old), jgn terbeli yg kotak biru...the diff is size...It helps to reduce temperature for some period of time, so xperlu lap with wet cloth. Use it for 4 hours (in my case rasa xsmpi 4jam dh cabut...hehe Afham xsuka kot)
Some baby's tips to be share here
1. Nappy rashes - I bought Bepanthen cream and use it but somehow it do not works well..so instead of using cream I use something from kitchen..tapioca flour. First you need to clean ur baby private area. Make sure it is dry also. Then just simply sapu sikit2 kat yg rashes2...and it works like magic..no need to wait for a day, the next nappy changing usually dah ilang merah2 tu (disclaimer : Not sure whether it works fast for other babies..hehe maybe when I have 3 kids then I know =p)
2. Flu / blockage/ running nose - Usually what we will do we use Sterimar, then simply use nose cleaner..lupa sila siap sedia dgn kain tuk lap, besides it needs 2 people to do it esp baby dh pandai bergerak dgn aktif
How to use sterimar (or any brand nasal spray) pls refer video below. Cara guna from minute 1:01 onwards or you can read here (I couldn't find sterimar video so as long as smpi mksd oklah kan)
3. Cough - It is advisable to meet doctor first, baby balsam is just use on top of it...Simply rub on chest, neck and back to help soothe and comfort
4. Monthly jab - When it comes to jab, people surely will asked baby demam tak? I got few tips
- tuam dengan air panas
- letak vicks (I read from Pa & Ma)
- letak minyak cap kapak
Choose either one...senang kata lepas balik jab, bg ubat demam tuam/ buh minyak kat area jab smbil urut2 sikit. Some said tuam boleh bengkak...minyak cap kapak I don think a good idea
So as a practice what I do give ubat demam, lap sambil urut2 dengan towel kecil (yg sudah rendam dengan air panas..so by the time lap2 tu kain tu dh suam2), last but not least sapukan baby balsam with little massage
5. Demam - So far Afham demam manja2 (eh ada plak cmtu..what I mean so far the highest body temperature was 37++ degree C..blom lagi smpi 38 degree). What we do is make sure to take his temperature every 2-3 hours, and use Kool Fever (slalu dia nk demam manja2 time malam, so just tampal dan bg dia tido...). Belum pernah lap2 badan dan kepala lagi (So if I face it later I will update this entry accordingly ya)
For first time yg dgr ni adalah putih2 kat lidah, bibir baby..ada kata sawan susu (if not mistaken). Tompok2 putih ini disebabkan jangkitan yis
What to do? Sila la jumpa doctor, nanti doc bg ubat titik.
The only thing that we can do is extra care on hygiene... sterilized bottle, pump, pacifier....clean all the teether, brea*t and so on
The doc we met said sometimes it also caused by high dose of antibiotic...so ni mcm side effect la
That's for all..hope this entry will help new mom..Most of it babies-common-problem
Most of advice above are for temporary action, if it persist kindly consult with the doctor. If you have anything to share here, pls leave a comment...So we can share the infos
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20 September, 2010
Digigit lipan di musim raya
Sape x penah tgk rupa lipan?
Sape pernah kena gigit lipan?
Orang balik2 raya citer duitr raya anak ke, cerita pasal makan bnyk ke..open house ke...tp me nk cerita kisah digigit lipan di musim raya...yg kena gigit? dah tentula myself!
Raya kedua
Around 6pm - Beraya ke rumah Pak Chaq.
Almost 10pm - Balik rumah MIL.Afham dh lena xingat..letih berjalan raya kot. While myself siap2la nk tdo, bentang2 toto...susun nk tdo mana, solat, so on..Dh nama balik kg, tdo kat ruang tamu...Afham, myself, tok, Boboi (sepupu encik suami) kat bawah, while encik suami memilih di atas kerusi 3 seater.
Around 12am - "Night shift" Afham...
Around 2am - Tersentap rasa mcm kena gigit..Rasa mcm mimpi, tengok Afham ok je...betul2 letih kot. Lengan rasa semacam.Pi la gi carik lampu...nampak mcm kesan 2 titik. silap tengok kot..Masuk bilik bukak lampu, sah ada bekas gigitan, rasa sakit la jugak...Time tu dh teringat email fwd2 yg kena gigit ngan spider siap nanah sume tuh! Takut la dalam hati..
Nak kejut encik suami tapi mcm xsure...last2 takut la jugak ntah hape gigit...Kejut2 encik suami dia cepat2 kejut MIL. Dah kecoh2 Boboi pun bangun, MIL kata lipan kot gigit, Boboi pun kata cmtu, Tok pulak kata semut (Boboi kata masa dia kena gigit lipan dulu pun Tok kata cmtuh hihihi).
Encik suami alihkan Afham dalam bilik..
Dalam kecoh2 tiba2 nmpk la labah2 besar, encik suami sibuk la dok kejar nk bunuh. Sibuk2 nk bunuh labah2, MIL nmpk lipan...apa lagi dh xkejar dah spider tu..misi nk bunuh lipan plak sblm mangsa lain terkena pulak. Nasik la spider tu xjadik mangsa x bersalah
Misi berjaya..lipan tu bkn anak lipan tapi lipan dewasa (xtau nk kata bapak lipan atau ibu lipan..xcek jantina). Saiz panjang ada gak dkt2 sejengkal! MIL kata ni lipan rumah, kalau lipan bara lg bisa..
Sambil2 tu sapu la minyak panas (tapikan xrasa panas...) kena gigit tu sakitla...tp sakit nk bersalin lg sakit
Around 2.45 am - call Mak Su tnya klinik mana 24 jam..so dgn kain batik naik kereta cari klinik. OTW Mak Su call kata nk ikut tunjuk kat mana klinik, patah balik jemput Mak Su. Pusing2 tapi malangnya klinik pun cuti raya
Around 3.15am - balik rumah.MIL cerita encik suami kena gigit lipan masa kecik2 dulu terus kata "Bomoh, bomoh" (haha sungguhla lawak...). Konon nk sapu la balik minyak panas...bila cek botol rupanya tu penawar resdung (haha patutla xrasa panas! bkn minyak..rupanya mak Boboi salah amik minyak..iyelah pagi2 buta mana la perasan). MIL bagi cuka sapu kat tempat gigit.
Lps tu sume smbg tdo..telan gak 2 biji panadol. Myself xboleh tdo, encik suami dok pegang tangan tnya sakit ke idak, nk g klinik ke x...
Around 4am - Tiba2 rasa mcm xleh tahan..dh start rasa denyut2. Encik suami kata okla kita try carik klinik. Again dgn pakai kain batik keluar...round2 tapi xjumpa..smbl tu keluar la citer encik suami sebut bomoh sbb masa kecik dia xcaye kat doktor...Encik suami tnya nk amik epidural tak nanti jumpa doktor (haha...sakit nk bersalin tu lain cerita..ni sakit kena gigit lain cerita)
Klinik 24 jam xjumpa tp char kway teow 24 jam ada pulak, paling lawak nmpk wisma pantai - since i'm not sure tnya la encik suami tu rupanya tu mmg hosp pantai (kitaorg gelak2 la masuk pantai sbb gigit lipan)
Dlm masa round tu slowly la bisa tu kurang, but at the same time nmpk signboard Hosp Kepala Batas
5.50am - register dan lps tu menunggu
6.20am - nurse bg jab, lps tu jumpa doktor..doktor tnya btl ke lipan yg gigit (erk ada rupa binatang lain ke gigit?). Daptla antibiotik dan ubat tahan sakit
Almost 7am - smpi rumah..OTW balik tu barulah boleh terlelap...Brla perasan Hosp Kepala Batas tu xleh jauh dr Kg Sg Seluang..setengah jam je (tp sbb xtau jadilah berjam2)
Afham mmgla baik..tido je spjg MIL jaga
Kalau nk ikutkan tempat yg myself tdo tu ok jek, since Fatin (kakak Boboi) mmg tdo kat situ... Selamat je dia slama ni...So mmgla nasib kan kena ketip lipan musim raya.
Maka sungguhla memori raya 2010 first time beraya dgn anak, dan buat pertama kali digigit lipan (and mintak2la tu yg last...)
Until now ada la gak rasa takut2 nk tdo, tu xtermasuk adala rasa risau kot2 la ternmpk binatang2 seangkatan dgnnya..isk2
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Love and life,
08 September, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya semua !!!
Sketsa-empat-gambar khas untuk hari raya...

For all readers,
Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf zahir batin (kot2 la baca korg terasa, terguris hati ke kan2). Insya Allah jumpa lagi lepas raya....
(huhu pening gak packing balik raya...)
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07 September, 2010
Checklist hari raya
Ekeke perlukah checklist hari raya?
Since this will be first time raya with lil one, I think I need a checklist ...So I will make simple checklist before encik suami started to ask “ mana ni, xbawa balik ke??” [haha encik suami, nanti klu sy dh terror bawak kereta kita switch keje nk? Sy drive, abg plak kemas2 tuk balik kg? Amacam..- I can imagine time tu surelah sesi bebel2 kuasa sepoloh from myself!]
Ibu & ayah
Baju raya, baju beraya, baju bajan, selipar extra (note : plg penting butang baju melayu, samping, songkok – ekeke harus lengkap sbb nk gmbr family)
Towel, toiletries
Sampul dan duit raya
Camera, charger, stand
Charger handphone
Kuih raya sejenis dua
First aid box
Minyak cap kapak (ni esp tuk ayah)
Ubat2 standby Afham – demam, batuk, kahak, sakit perut
Picagari 3-4
Baju raya, baju beraya, baju bajan
Towel (plus extra), toiletries
Sebamed face cream (balik BK town muka habis merah...putera lilin sungguh)
Kain lampin
Shelly (toy Afham...yg dh mcm bantal busuk)
Toys 2- 3
Feeding set (ye dia udah makan)
Changing mat
Bedding travelling set
Buai (hmm ini la yg leceh bila baby buai...nk wt cmner..tp seminggu dok spital ok jek tnpa buai tsk tsk)
Carrier (since nk beraya2..dan mgkn ke Pdg Besar)
Diaper bag (as above)
Selebihnya ada lagik, but sume yg semestinya ingat...xkanle handbag pun nak masuk list kat atas kan...I will foresee a lot of things to be bring..3-4 beg maybe?
Ada pe2 lagik tak tertinggal? Hmm..ini baru sorg anak, mau penuh kereta..Bila dah 2-3 anak cmne plak la ye?
Anyway some snap shopping raya =) 
Since this will be first time raya with lil one, I think I need a checklist ...So I will make simple checklist before encik suami started to ask “ mana ni, xbawa balik ke??” [haha encik suami, nanti klu sy dh terror bawak kereta kita switch keje nk? Sy drive, abg plak kemas2 tuk balik kg? Amacam..- I can imagine time tu surelah sesi bebel2 kuasa sepoloh from myself!]
Ibu & ayah
Baju raya, baju beraya, baju bajan, selipar extra (note : plg penting butang baju melayu, samping, songkok – ekeke harus lengkap sbb nk gmbr family)
Towel, toiletries
Sampul dan duit raya
Camera, charger, stand
Charger handphone
Kuih raya sejenis dua
First aid box
Minyak cap kapak (ni esp tuk ayah)
Ubat2 standby Afham – demam, batuk, kahak, sakit perut
Picagari 3-4
Baju raya, baju beraya, baju bajan
Towel (plus extra), toiletries
Sebamed face cream (balik BK town muka habis merah...putera lilin sungguh)
Kain lampin
Shelly (toy Afham...yg dh mcm bantal busuk)
Toys 2- 3
Feeding set (ye dia udah makan)
Changing mat
Bedding travelling set
Buai (hmm ini la yg leceh bila baby buai...nk wt cmner..tp seminggu dok spital ok jek tnpa buai tsk tsk)
Carrier (since nk beraya2..dan mgkn ke Pdg Besar)
Diaper bag (as above)
Selebihnya ada lagik, but sume yg semestinya ingat...xkanle handbag pun nak masuk list kat atas kan...I will foresee a lot of things to be bring..3-4 beg maybe?
Ada pe2 lagik tak tertinggal? Hmm..ini baru sorg anak, mau penuh kereta..Bila dah 2-3 anak cmne plak la ye?
Anyway some snap shopping raya =)
Pemborong tudung yg sucess?
9 helai tudung sbb beli tudung setaun sekali (ekeke sungguhla ayat)
3 helai beli kt kedai xingat nama - tp kt bdr utama segamat, 2 helai cikde tolong beli kat jakel segamat, 4 helai dr ratu, bangi
total disaster : around rm170, price range rm3.5 - rm30..bila kira average dlm 20hinggit sehelai okla kan? (ni ayat pujuk diri lps kempis poket sdiri ekeke)
(mode : suka2 sbb dpt tudung sebijik cm irham bg syuhada - epilog syurga cinta)
tema taun ini ialah...(ok2 xnmpk kaler bg suprise)
tgk label baju afham..jutawan..hihi jutawan segera di hari raya kan?
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Love and life,
03 September, 2010
Hot mommies...

(selingan) Ibu..hotla...Afham kena pakai sunglasses
Sometimes I wonder what is the exact defination of hot mommies?
Cun melecun body bagai anak dara smbil pegang baby?
Mommies that into all these..Bfing, homemade solid foods, babywearing, cloth diaper?
How about mommies that fm, stroller, disposable diapers?
Itu tak masuk lagi isu pacifier, buai, branded clothes, branded toys, walker...or comparing baby's development...
Hmmm..do you have any specific ideas?
I read somewhere there is no perfect baby and no perfect parents...But as parents we will surely trying our best to raise our little ones....
Reading soo many blogs can lead to emotional down?. (haha...klu blog b2b sume citer prep canggih2, blog ibu2 citer stock ebm penuh peti ais, baby dah terror itu dan ini, birthday party 1 tahun...hmmm)
I think it still a long way to go. Marriage is a life university, and being a parent means it is a lifetime work that you cannot quit. (Aha if only that being mom, dad considered as work)
Just respect others as we might not be in the same shoes as them...Each have their own parenting skill (of course this is not a day skills..it takes years and of course with several kids). Each pregnancy is unique, each baby is unique and so do the parents! Each baby should be treated as individual (of course 5 anak 5 la perangai yg harus ibu bapa fikirkan cara nak handle...bkn sume anak sama perangai walaupun kembar seiras)...Asal bukan teran, bungkus dan buang sudahla...
Last but not least pregnancy quotes that I like (I noticed I just missed the kicking moments like here =p)
Cun melecun body bagai anak dara smbil pegang baby?
Mommies that into all these..Bfing, homemade solid foods, babywearing, cloth diaper?
How about mommies that fm, stroller, disposable diapers?
Itu tak masuk lagi isu pacifier, buai, branded clothes, branded toys, walker...or comparing baby's development...
Hmmm..do you have any specific ideas?
I read somewhere there is no perfect baby and no perfect parents...But as parents we will surely trying our best to raise our little ones....
Reading soo many blogs can lead to emotional down?. (haha...klu blog b2b sume citer prep canggih2, blog ibu2 citer stock ebm penuh peti ais, baby dah terror itu dan ini, birthday party 1 tahun...hmmm)
I think it still a long way to go. Marriage is a life university, and being a parent means it is a lifetime work that you cannot quit. (Aha if only that being mom, dad considered as work)
Just respect others as we might not be in the same shoes as them...Each have their own parenting skill (of course this is not a day skills..it takes years and of course with several kids). Each pregnancy is unique, each baby is unique and so do the parents! Each baby should be treated as individual (of course 5 anak 5 la perangai yg harus ibu bapa fikirkan cara nak handle...bkn sume anak sama perangai walaupun kembar seiras)...Asal bukan teran, bungkus dan buang sudahla...
Last but not least pregnancy quotes that I like (I noticed I just missed the kicking moments like here =p)
" Feeling fat last nine months but the joy of becoming mum lasts forevers"
(but the fact that some some fat sgt degil..hihi klu tak masakan produk kuruskan badan dok aim org lps bersalin, slimming centre pun amik duta artis2 yg dh bersalin)
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01 September, 2010
How u will look alike in 20 years...
Remember this? Ok last time ibu bz trying to figure how Afham will look alike...
Ok2..ibu said Afham xdelah pun rupa mcm gambar suka-suki tu pun.Malah Afham lagi encem (emm ibu sdiri sah2la puji anak kan....sila jgn muntah)
This time turn Afham plak predict muka cikde, ayah, ibu dan muka Afham sdiri...Let say another 20 years. Afham amik gmbr sume yg cun2

Ok2..ibu said Afham xdelah pun rupa mcm gambar suka-suki tu pun.Malah Afham lagi encem (emm ibu sdiri sah2la puji anak kan....sila jgn muntah)
This time turn Afham plak predict muka cikde, ayah, ibu dan muka Afham sdiri...Let say another 20 years. Afham amik gmbr sume yg cun2
Ibu kata ayah xsabar nk tggu Afham besar..so Afham buat la jugak..
Eh2...apesal Afham nmpk lain sgt ni?..xmo lah buat....tatata Afham nak gi guling2 lagi best!!!
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