24 March, 2011

Baby food : Introducing protein

I should post this few months ago..Unfortunately ehem ehem you knowla all the laziness hormone come and go. Nowadays Afham dah makan nasi join kami makan..

When it comes to protein, I do not introduce it as early as 6 months, since from reading it is recommended to introduce beef and other meats and proteins between 8 – 10 months

So here I share two simple recipes that are protein based

Japanese Silk Tofu with Pureed Dates
(or we can called it Taufu Fah - versi baby)

Source : Mammamiya

Japanese silk tofu (block or cilinder)
10 bijik kurma
1/2 cup hot water

1. rendam kurma dlm air panas for 5mins
2. Pureekan kurma dgn air rendaman dlm blender
3. Tuang kurma puree tu dlm individual tubs dlm 1/3 of the bekas
4. Lay cut tofu on top of the puree
5. Close tub & simpan dlm fridge

*it is best to simpan dlm fridge and not freezer coz dlm freezer tofu tu akan pecah air.
*this dish can last for 3-4days at normal fridge temperature & over 2 weeks dlm freezer.
*to serve-masuk dlm microwave for 40sec-1min

Since we do not have microwave or food warmer, I steam the tofu for a while. Then scoop it int0 bekas kecil2 yg dh ada puree kurma (belasah pakai sudu mcm ala2 org jual taufoo fah tu bolehla kan..nk potong2 dh leceh). I made 4 bekas..1 immediately makan, 3 lagi untuk the next 3 days makan, which panaskan cara konvensional..mcm thaw ebm

One more thing make sure it is not egg tofu..bkn pe takut anak anda allergic kat telur (Always remember we can only introduce egg yolks to baby around 8 months. Egg white only can be fed after he reached 1 year old-source here)

Sup ayam / daging
3 biji bunga cengkih
1-2 biji bunga lawang
Kulit kayu manis
1 ulas bawang putih
1 ulas bawang merah
1 inci halia
Ayam / daging (biasanya saya potong kecil..tp tidaklah halus2 since kemudian blend)
Sedikit minyak

Bahan2 dia atas ikut anggaran masing2, ayam tu agakla seketul dada atau lebih..agak2 secukup stok yg anda ingin sediakan)

Cara- cara
1. Bawang putih, merah dan halia ditumbuk (kalau anda nak blend halus sup ni, boleh jugak racik 3 bahan ini)
2. Tumis bahan rempah sampai naik bau
3. Tumis bahan no 1 hingga naik bau
4. Masukkan ayam / daging. Fry until all the water dried (some said boleh hilangkan hanyir...)
5. Masukkan air dan biarkan mendidih
6. Kalau nak masukkan sayur eg potato, celery, carrot pun boleh
7. Angkat, sejukkan, blend..Sblm blend make sure you remove la kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang, cengkih tu (I have a habit conting brapa bnyk bunga cengkih so on sblm tumis..then masa remove pun kira cukup ke tak)

I always use olive for oil. Ikut masing2la nak guna minyak sawit, minyak jagung ke...

Source of protein that can be added to porridge
1. Scramble egg yolk – I consider as super easy source of protein
2. Fish – soup / fry/ steam..I tried once soup but it turns fishy...so usually I fry fish with olive oil..then pakai garfu siat jadik kecik..masuk dlm bubur
3. Beef / Chicken – usually I made soup...like above recipe
4. Tofu – usually I add masa bubur dah nak masak..another easy step (malas)

This was how I prepare 2 weeks (14 days) stock
4 tube of beef soup
5 tube of chicken soup
Remaining 5 days – tofu and scramble egg yolk
4 type of vege – peas, cauliflower, corn, carrot

Beef soup

Chicken soup


So for 2 weeks we can mix and match for example (that is the reason why the my soup do not include vege)
Porridge + Beef soup + Carrot
Porridge + Chicken soup +Cauliflower
Porridge + Scramble egg yolk + Peas
Porridge + Chicken + Corn + Carrot

The above is just example..you always can plan and don't be afraid to mix and match. We don'thave to become chef to cook our little one food!

Selingan..kunci pun sodap :p

Jgn lupa vote saya ye..cara2nya di sini



yummy :)

Triple R said...
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Triple R said...

wah...wah.... ko nye gambo menakutkan.... macam dah bukak kilang jual makan segera.... hehehehehe.....

siap ade bekas simpanan untuk 1-2 minggu.... ppeerrghh....

aku tak pernah kesah nak buat semua nie sebab mak aku ade.... sangat teringin duduk sendirik macam ko.... challenging!!! :)

Insya'Allah... aku akan cuba berdikari after i buy my own house... tak lama jer lagik...

but, nak tanya la..kenapa baby tak leh makan egg yolk before reach 8mnth and white egg before 1 yr? terangkan sikit Pn Ryyhan...

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