22 December, 2012
Sapu sawang....
Afham discharged from hospital on 12.12.12, still monitoring and understand here and there HSP.
Work wise, hmmm I think most of the time went home late...kul 8-9 mlm br nk keluar balik rumah..my bad join the co during super peak season.
To be serious I think I will work with this co the most 1 year..yeah maybe I still prefer to get experience in supervisor role (jd supervisor leh review, leh taichi2... Haha bkn sume blh taichi ye...kena tapis2 gak)
So I have so called "resignation plan cum plan to become temporary housewife". I already told husband on my plan..maybe around aug2013, will send the resignation letter and last day will be around nov 2013 (for permanent staff need 3 months notice...xkisahla dh brapa lama keje...payah kan). Insya Allah jadi SAHM untuk sebulan dua...xnak rush2 cari keje..but for this 1 year need to save some money for the plan...at least 400-500 per months jugakla kena save aside.
My plan for so called temporary SAHM, nak potty train Afham and Alif...kemas2 rumah, wat super spring cleaning, nak decorate maybe cat mana2 patut...( yeah not totally 100% saham sbb still hantar both boys bila dh nak sesi2 cat, kemas rumah ni, klu tak xsiap ape2 plan plak).not to mention perhaps update all the backdated entries for this blog... Husband seems ok with the idea.
Hopefully it will turn as planned, plus maybe blhla time tu g spa ke. For past several years I hardly take long leave...plus klu resign pastu gap nk start keje baru cam kejap je....so this time I really need "me time"
Thats all for time being
10 December, 2012
Afham and HSP
Erm a little worry because suddenly dia sakit kaki bengkak cam jatuh tangga (but when asked nursery they told nothing happened - except the boys sepak2 biasala budak lelaki), then sakit perut so on. not to mention ada lovebite versi besar (xde gambar sbb kat phone)
Went to Klinik Dr Chan, and after that Dr advised to go Wad Kecemasan Hosp Putrajaya (ok now I knew budak2 sakit hantar balik ke hosp mana bersalin). Even though the blood test result ok, but the doctor need to monitor. oh ya dr chan mention what he suspect Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (dun asked me how to pronounce..HSP kot lagi senang)
So we really dont know until when he need to stay here..but husband heard at least for 5 days..Husband already turn to Mr Mama and the only father taking care here (policy hospital xbg bawak pelawat bawah 12 tahun, then klu myself jaga kena tag along alif since he still breastfeed..so susahla kan). MIL will come this evening and we see how (pening2 sudah baru masuk keje nk cuti2 pun payah..I'm still didn't tell my father..risau plak kang atuk nye risau - cikde dun worry still under control)
And with the power of internet I found this blog
Selebihnya kena cari info dan tnya doc..hopefully cpt2la discharge..kesian tangan kena cucuk amik darah
02 December, 2012
Tak tahu nak update apa...
Thinking to write all the cuti2 malaysia budget tapi ntah bila...suprisingly this year bnyk gak jln2 cameron, genting, tambun...and very soon Insya Allah ke bukit gambang..
New job errrrm...tak tahu nk kata...mixed feeling. The accrual account so messy...bnyk lg x reverse those entries dr tahun 2009. Even all those prof fess ( audit tax so on) sume dlm accrual...paid and also the accrual itself dari tahun 2009 onwards...sudahle SAP mcm outdated version.and all the while i used to review somebody works tp this time xde..
Collegues blh dikatakan best, boss ermmmmmm so so kot...asik dtg meja tnya u buat ape...mcm irritating plak..pstu kejap2 suh tolong post reverse...(tak sabar2 plak tuh..suh dan2 buat) siap expect u should perform because u r senior..erk br 2 minggu..account, cost centre sume x familiar lg.
Till then...not sure whether I should start find another job..
14 November, 2012
Goodbye - Thank you - Good luck
After almost 4 years with this company (perhaps I should minus 6 months since dah dua kali maternity leave kan), I would say there's a lot of thing I learned.
09 November, 2012
Nak last day pun stress
Patut dh nk last day happy je kan?
Even I thought today I can window shopping KLCC (nama je opis area situ tp dah pindah sini dr bulan 2 pun blh bilang ngan jari pi KLCC)
Original plan, today supposed to be my last day...so that I have few days for bibik-time (homaigod rumah dh karam titanic esp after so called promoted to accountant -
Hari2 letih travelling, letih kerja...ok promoted doesn't mean can simply taichi...but increase the workload with ciput-increment..end up house cleaning so on keep on delayed..baju dh jadi gunung. Then not to mentioned Alif is having separation anxiety tahap payah nk berenggang dari ibunya. So how am I supposed to do housechore sambil kelek Alif?
So extend the last day...but towards the day kejap ada tnya ni, ada suh wat itu dan ini...maka tersangatlah stress. Handover x abes lagik...
So I think I just do what I can do...I am not super saiya...
01 November, 2012
Sharing my news : Bad and good
I have tonnes of things to do..of course normal account closing, but at the same time need to do "administrative things" time2 ni lah nk update bagi template cantik2 bagi proper sume paham tgk..
Homaigod...pening tau lps tu ada tukar sana sini, buat handover, nk kena buat simple documentation so on
BUT...the good one
Insya Allah right after Awal Muharram, I will start my new "baby" ^_^ . Not that I am pregnant with no 3 (tggu bg Afham Alif besar dl la kan..bg laluan those yg still masih 1 anak), BUT a new job!
Sayang2kan anak, tinggal2kan bonus (sob xsempat dapat bonus co skrg..tp xtau la klu2 co baik hati nk bg..terima jelah)
Pray for smooth sailing on everything.
Will update later once when I have time
(update sbb dh stress xtau nk buat mana satu dulu...meja dh xrupa meja..penuh ngan kertas bagai..pstt sharena kita dah searea opis..klu p shaftsbury boleh la rojer den..kot2 leh join..haha masuk keje pun xtau culture sana cmne)
29 October, 2012
15 October, 2012
I asked husband whether it is ok if I resign and ? Then at the same time xde dpt offer kerja lagi...he asked whether my priority jobstreet is valid or not...hmm the only think that I can confirm I will save my year end bonus for in case I really dont find a new job by last day...
With tonnes of responsibilities makes me sick...rasa nk muntau ijau je...setiap hari rasa xnak check email sbb br nk tarik napas ada je keje lain dtg...just finished balance sheet recon for 8021,8022,8023,8024, 8025,8066,8090...pergh tujuh tu..5 active 2 lg tu dh cm dormant je..then suh prepare info untk tax comp 2 companies, tu xtermasuk ada gunung atas meje kena check and sign my life away...
Another thing I went for interview, saja2lah tnya handle tuk berapa entity..FM tu jwb one and only one...how I wish I could handle lesser companies...idakle pening...ni setiap kali nk jwb2 soklan kena make sure entity mana pstu xmasuk lg post kat SAP
Now I think I have been underpaid...and no more life ( skrg almost hari2 lunch tapau smbil wat keje...sbbnya bkn leh stay back lama2...kuar opis 6+ pun kul 8+ br smpi rumah...)
Kerja oh kerja...otak dh sarat benda -ve aje...hati pun dh xde, badan hoho dh xlarat ulang alik...pstu tambang weekly/ monthly pass ERL pun dh naik ( more solid reason to resign). Then I noticed something...very lately ni selalu sakit kepala..ada sehari tu tgh2 mlm terjaga dgn kepala sakit...wergh...dh tahap super stress ke?
Teringin nak balik keje leh smpi rumah around 7... At least smptla masak simple2 ke...ntah bile la nk rasa keje dekat sikit...letih2
02 October, 2012
Current mantra..
Expected date to send the letter right after the year end bonus...I have no more energy to work with current workplace...
And I do really hope that I will get interviews and a job before my last day of work..
No energy to work, and overseeing a lot of entities is super headache for me
And nowadays lunch hour is also working hour (but I try to take 10-20 minutes makan smbil berinternet/ smbil buat keje jugak..see sume kena multitasking). Super stress and I think I do not cope well..Skrg buat benda2 untk org lain, bg Gl coding so on, review itu ini, jawab queries, update excel itu ini..then baru buat keje sendiri ..ok keje sendiri last sekalik
My father said I look terrible, he even asked whether I took any medication "rupa mcm org sakit teruk.."
Then husband's counsins asked whether I am on diet...diet hape? klu ada hari bolah makan nasi 3x sehari pastu in between blh munch biskut, roti, coklat
I just asked husband "rupa saya ni dh cmne?" he answered "lesu"
OMG...I dont want become older because all of the tiredness...letih ulang alik, letih keje, otak berserabut, rumah berserabut....kesian kids asik kena marah.
Maybe migraine last night is the sign I should concentrate on looking for job (Ok I am serious looking for it, dh g few interviews, tp xdapat..is it hard nowadays? For those working in Cyberjaya and your company looking for Senior Account Executive and above (Accountant pun blh tp experience xsmpi setahun)..then please inform me...email me.
I really need to write this..next time bila Afham Alif besar korg mesti tau nape masa kecik2 asik kena marah ngan ibu (ok korg pun buat perangai kdg, pstu time2 ibu letih keje)
25 September, 2012
Kids furniture survey at Avenue @ Puchong
Here some pics while cuci2 mata kids furniture...
When it comes to cost, tang ni mmg mahal...average full sets of the kids bedroom almost rm10k, katil je dah almost rm2k..and I think klu beli pun blh guna till they hit 11-12 years old ..lps tu dh teenagers dh lain plak konsepnyer kan?
Still until now no idea on how we should decorate our boys room..but I got advice not to buy double decker beds..sbbnya kipas dan rumah bkn tinggi..so the best option buy the beds with pull out...hmmm ntah bila nak start deko2 bilik afham alif ni?.
21 September, 2012
The naked truth : anak rapat selang setaun..
I hope my entry will not make mum to be with no 2 become so scary....this entry is just like some sort of luahan rasa (xtau la ada ka nk baca?)
Eh lupa mesti org budget ala anak rapat selang setaun pun bkn smpi 5-6 anak...fine..xpa..tu masing2 punya hak la...
When I found out that I'm pregnant with no 2 Afham just about 7 months plus...emotion was high and down..mixed feeling whether I can cope with the responsibilities...the truth that until now I consider myself not a good mum..maybe trying to become better mom
The fact that or the past 2 years plus I don't have enough sleep, bad time management, haywire life, rumah tongkang karam, baju x jumpa...ini itu ntah kat mana2. And of course never ending enough sleeping. I have to admit that sometimes I am not really sick, but I am just too tired and need some rest (of course in this case sleep), so I will tell my boss that I am on MC. But suprisingly most of the time when I met the doctor, they scan give MC with reason that I have s slight fever..pelik tp benar...ntah emosi dan badan buat jd demam kot
And actually I think I've become I-dun-care-what- people-say...sbbnya when most of collegue knew that I'm pregnant with no 2...mostly will say cepatnya..power seh and so on..but on the other side there still some collegue that say some good word like 'xpa anak rapat ni..penat time kecik2 ni...' and the truth people still talk...we cannot stop them...even alif hits 1, while afham 2 yo..ada jumpa kwn2 lama bila tnya umur anak...diorg komen 'powerla setaun satu'....ok just smile and then lantaklah labu dah berkali2 dgr imunkan sajalah telinga
I would say its super tiring physically and emotionally..I dun have me time, no massage, no social life, not making more friends and so on..in fact I lost my patience a lot of time...husband pun pening kata apesal la asik terjerit2..ok jerit2 marahkan anak, pukul bila dah tahap maksimum hulk hogan..
Ok I will continue part 2..not enough time to express the whole motherhood tiring stories..
20 September, 2012
8th giveaway by umiyumi2 - Tefal wok hadiahnya!
19 September, 2012
Entri raya selepas raya?
This year celebrate raya at kampung nun di utara
Gambar adalah sini sana sikit..and of course anak2lah yang gembira
Taun ni sume dapat kasut/ sandal baru..mine purple ok?
Testing samping malam raya tu..siap wat mcm gaya sembahyang
Family pic..tu pun dh dkt kul 5, rupa dh letih
11 September, 2012
Saje2 masuk contest...
So klu korang baik ati, mehla like Afham dan Alif "Like your baby contest by The Photolicious "
Thanks a lot!
Pst..mencari mood nk update psl raya
31 August, 2012
Bila nk update nih?
27 August, 2012
Hehehe ni auto post..saja2 cari idea deco rumah..pstu suka tgk ni
Tak tau original source mana..tapi amik kat sini
Pastu library cum reading room..nampak ceria sesuai untuk galak anak2 membaca
Buat tuan rumah kat atas, mintak izin share ye...korg ada deco rumah yg berkenan?...nk terjah klu blh rumah org biasa2....klu org interior design ni cam dh terror..
16 August, 2012
Selamat Hari Raya
Tak de mood dh nk wt keje *uhuk auditor..queries anda reply lps raya blh?*..anyway semoga semua selamat balik kg dan balik ke rumah
Pstt..malam ni br nk packing. smlm ingat ok je nk pack, tapi letih, pstu alif nyusu lama giler..mcm growth spurth plak sbb nk berjalan ke?
So sharing here my last minute checklist hari raya...jadi mak2 ni keje pakcing2 ni kena la buat, suami kan jd driver
Checklist hari raya. Checklist lama ada kat sini

Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir & Batin
Tahun ni Segamat glamer kan? masuk iklan Bernas :)
15 August, 2012
Precious Moments with Trudy & Teddy
But I believe it doesn't stop me from joining this contest (as I saw the widget to add Trudy & Teddy collection as if how will be my little ones with their collection)
Here I share my most precious moments with my little ones:-
1. Growing up moments
I considered myself as one of lucky mummies, as my two years plus of motherhood journey I see not one but two babies growing up.
Sometimes they make me amaze - from crying, cooing, crawling until he can count 1, 2, 3 and even say "Afham sayang ibu". They make us smile, laugh, speechless and so on.
And I remember very recent moment, when we just bought baju raya for them. That night I just asked Afham to wear his complete set casual baju raya - shirt and jeans. Then once satisfied, I asked him to change to his pyjama. He answered me "tak nak, baju tu basah"..and repeat it over and over again.
See how smart this little boy refuse to change and simply gave reason (of course the pyjama is not wet...he just put a reason, so he can still wear his new clothes)
Hmm...now I wonder how he will behave if I bought him Trudy & Teddy collection
Ibu: Afham..tak mau bukak topi, nanti rambut pacak2
Afham : Afham tak kisah....
2. Holiday
Even though we do not have much chance to go holiday, I consider our trip to Cameron Highland early this year as one of memorable.
We managed to visit most of the place that I planned.
I noticed that Afham not only enjoy the trip, but he also learn new things. One of it, he recognized chipmunk! We had a visit to Butterfly Farm and he just so in love to watch chipmunk.
Of course, he keep asking me "Ibu..apa ni?" and once he got the answered he keep repeating said "Chipmunk..chipmunk". Nowadays, if we watch television show chipmunk, he will loudly say chipmunk.
For next trip (no plan yet at the moment, but surely will have at least once a year), I will make sure to pack and bring along Trudy & Teddy shoes...it seems so comfy - just perfect for our little travellers!
I imagine myself both of them holding hands and walk together just enjoying our holiday :)

3. Boria
Here I reveal my little secret; when I found that I am pregnant with no 2, I always dream something pink, ruffle, headbands even tutu skirt.
But the moment Dr Hamidah confirmed its a boy...I just think my no 2 will have most of his brother clothes (sounds bad and poor him, but actually I think Alif wear not much from Afham's clothes)
So nothing fancy about dressing both of them, until later I found romper that have size for both of them. They have their very first boria, and of course more to come.
It reminds me when I was small, my late mother used to dress me and my little sister the same design of baju raya.
Now it’s my turn with little ones and its fun! They will look alike twins but from different year (plus it will easier for other to recognized that they are siblings)
Now I cannot wait myself to dress them with Trudy & Teddy...it will be "Boria Trudy & Tales"

So that’s all as I have to pen off now, even seems it is a little bit enjoy writing about them.
Hope this is one of my lucky entries to win fabulous prizes. Till then...
14 August, 2012
Senyum sampai telinga..Alhamdulillah

12 August, 2012
Tak de mood nk update?
25 July, 2012
Personal review : 2011 & 2012 baby expo
1. 2nd Mom & Baby Expo 2011
6 - 8 May 2011 Mid Valley Halls 1, 2 & 3
Today Publishing http://www.todaypublishing.com.my/

Goody bag - a lot of things Scott Emulsion, Mini toiletries Baby Kiko, Sample Pet Pet...etc

Dapat free amik jelah bib ni..tp isi jelah form yg nestle suruh

Stylo Mama Shoulder Bag Set SE
Bought this at price RM203 (if not mistaken)..original almost RM300? (Lunatots booth)

TYT Herbal bath and also for baby..couldn't remember the price...dpt free gift towel, minyak tyt, and also rendam2 kaki (TYT booth)
Personal opinion :The best ever expo..perhaps a lot of participants..You can always check their FB update..
2. 2nd Maternity & Children Expo
18 - 20 Nov 2011
Halls 1, 2 & 3
The Concept Exhibition http://tce.com.my/
Goody bag..not so much but still have few sample

Bumblebee bottle RM20/ pack (My BB Choice booth)
Berpantang secara alami (book) RM 14 (Karangkraf booth)
MAM bottle RM 26.80 (MAM booth)

Autumnz nursing wear each RM48 (Autumnz booth)
Pureen - Nasal spray (RM18 each), 3 bottle (RM15) liquid cleanser (RM11 each), rekito mosquitto repellant (RM16) (Pureen booth)
Personal opinion : A lot of participants..also consider good place to get bargain baby items..cuma goody bag items xde la banyak sgt items
3. Motherhood Expo 2012
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre 24th – 26th February 2012 http://www.harenet.com.my/expo/

No goody bag, but everyone register dapat ni

Boria suits..two for rm49

Sweater rm35

Mix2 RM40
Personal opinion : Not really big, but I went on Friday...so mmg xdelah bersesak2 ( thats why manage to grab baju2).plus the booth arrangement was good..since there is some space
Overall, I would suggest do some homework ( price so on) before you step to those baby expo. Another things be prepared with unexpected purchase ( be careful as u might end up buy unnecessary items..so spare extra money in case you have tendency to spend more). You can get baby items at discounted price plus free gifts, but you have to aware that there always a lot of people...sesak cam ikan sardin
Happy hunting!
24 July, 2012
Pregnant in style, nursing in style...and its 2 in 1!
Later, after searching thru net I found 2 in 1 maternity and nursing shirt! I just love the ideas because at least it can be wear not only for 9 months (the only things u might end up wearing it again and again). Until now I do not have maternity dress, perhaps because I prefer shirt to match with pants...lgpun ulang alik kerja naik public transport, mcm leceh pakai maxi, dress ni
But back to 2009 not much option that match my taste. So most of my maternity cum nursing wear bought from http://enjoybreastfeed.com/ (as I found they have shirt 2 in 1 design Japanese..kawaii for me!)

First pregnancy..my 2 in 1 shirts..leh refer entry ni
As time passed by, the shirts do have wear & tear signal (masuk mesin, asik dok ulang pakai..lama2 berbulu, dn koyak sikit)..so during confinement (alif), I started to shop online, and the good thing this time more option available...rambang mata...but I tried to limit, beli sikit2 (tapi sikit2 lama2 jd bnyk gak)
So today I share few website where u can find 2 in 1 maternity and nursing wear. On top of that, I always consider shirt can be 2 in 1 (because some of pic below not really fit for pregnant, but more on 2 in 1 pumping/ nursing and office wear). For time being bye bye poplook ( hajat hati nk jugak try 1 tp bila fikir balik keje kdg2 terus g mkn luar, lg senang susukan alif pakai nursing shirt.)
Oh ya to my suprise even tho I' m wearing either maternity and nursing wear or nursing and office wear, most likely it is not noticeable...some even kata cantikla baju, mana beli....bla2 then when I told the shirt is for bf also, thay stated to raise eyebrow...xcaya kot smbl nk carik mana nk selak2 untk susu/ pam..haha
I received a lot of compliments while wear this shirt. The shirt is mumdreams label (http://mumdreams.com.my/estore/), but bought it from http://mypermatahati.com/shop/
Still my favourite maternity and nursing wear online shop http://enjoybreastfeed.com/ . Yang kotak2 coklat tu husband kata cam baju Yuna..
Cantik tak? Ada opismate kate nmpk cam selesa betul shirt, the black one I wore during photoshoot. All bought from http://www.mammahouse.com/
Bought it during baby expo..all under autumnz label http://www.autumnz.com/

(some design might no longer available at above online shop..but no worries they still have other nice options..kdg2 baju sama rega lain2, so ni kena tpuk dadala..tp klu dh kenan smpi xleh tdo, haruslah beli..hehe)
Eh sume gambar atas sume model cam tak aci plak kan..so letakla gmbr sdiri gak

Amacam, betulkan mengandung pun boleh bergaya, menyusu pun boleh bergaya...dan boleh berjimat since 2 in 1
Later I will share other online shop that sell nice maternity and nursing wear...till then..