Okeh, don't blame me if lately my writing ada bau2 nur kasih...~guru_muda betul..klu ikutan artis2 tu le yg ada iras2 muka kitaorg...sbb mereka muda sedikit ;p
Nur kasih already finished...but for those yg baru nk "melekat" and missed almost of the series pls don't be sad..I heard this morning very soon DVD will be released RM 99.00 and if buy via online get 20% discount...besides tue-thu 7.25pm kan ada ulangan versi xde iklan langsung kan? ~ sah2 la klu korg smpi umah lg lmbt maka option yg ada beli cd
To be frank I do not follow this series, until I got the fwd mail kununnya sinopsis dan sbb ada yg kata iras2 muka..ntah tang mana..ptt g tnya org2 kata gitu..
Even kununnya sinopsis but sometimes rasa mcm ada yg xberapa sama..even encik suami kata ntah2 nnt adam meninggal...saja nk bg wife emo tgk tv la tuh..
So coming soon xsilap nya citer Alif Firdaus...
Encik suami sudah tnya ape kata kita namakan if baby boy Alif Firdaus, girl pilih nama perempuan2 dlm Nur Kasih (even dintnya klu Siti Sarah pun ok tak?...sbb kan ramai sgt benci ngan Sarah dlm tuh)
Sekian. Post ini dipost betul2 citer Nur kasih dh abes....hepy ending
27 November, 2009
21 November, 2009
...ops bkn cilok ape

cuma cilok gambar dari sini (eh2 kita xsempat kenal pun..xpe leh kenal kt blog kan??)
All this cilok pics during the antenatal class...most of the participants is the first 1st time parents to be..and somehow I'm the junior (oho bkn sbb muda tp sbb yg lelain dh 30 weeks ++ pregnant lebih kpd counting the days, while i'm in 24 weeks ~ who cares..tp rasa lg awal pegi lg bagus jugak)
Still no mood to further blog...lately ni i have pack schedule (attending english class twice a week 2 hours each class ~ co bayar maka grab saja opportunity..) so nk membelen kan lg ngan keje yg xpernah siap...
dalam hati nak me-make over blog pun ntah bile siap...plus trying with blog script will be time consuming ~ encik suami yg IT pun xkan bantu bab layout2 ni...sbb wife fussy dan jugak wife terlebih rajin nk bljr add script dan godek2 sdiri ~ penat goggle sbb xtau exact term maka mcm terjah2 aje
ok layan kan gambar cilok ~ ilmu kelas share kemudian ye...
kami sibuk kemas goodies bags
husband2 sume sila jgn pengsan sbb senaman hari ni xkan buat wife anda bersalin dan2 jugak..
husband2, anda senyum la puas2...bila smpi wktu betul sila jgn pengsan dlm labour room k :P
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17 November, 2009
Macam muka pelakon Nur Kasih?
For those die hard fan Nur Kasih please don't hate my writing... ~ya today Tuesday, lom Friday lagik sila sabaq tgk sambungan last week
Opss before I writing something related to Nur Kasih, let me write other things ok?
After sesi tayang2 gambar kawen di merata tempat, I got some comments... ~sila abaikan yg quality xcun sbb handshaking

And because of this encik suami asked whether "awk sama mcm nur tak?" ~ sila pk double meaning of this question...
Because of Nur Kasih also, encik suami asked me about our baby name ~ buh nama Nur Kasih nak tak?
Kui2 sudah jadi mcm terpengaruh plak
Opss before I writing something related to Nur Kasih, let me write other things ok?
After sesi tayang2 gambar kawen di merata tempat, I got some comments... ~sila abaikan yg quality xcun sbb handshaking

First..Eh sapa ni? Macam Heliza AF
Guru muda sudah gelak2 bila tau org lain komen psl ni...
Second...no comment for similarity of encik suami vs Yazer AF..

but xpa..if we look below ada ghupa x..2 org mamat rambut-lembut-kalah-model-syampu-rebonding? ~ hihi yg i tau anak2 sepupu dia mmg panggil abg rock steady..
Third, okeh2 peminat2 nur kasih jgn la tembak i okeh? reason because some of friends and one of my aunty said "tgk nur kasih tak, ada rupa mcm pelakon nur kasih la.." ~ but to be serious lupa plak nk tnya ghupa pelakon yg mana 1? sarah?nur?
Since nur lagi glamer, cuba compare2 kot2 la ada rupa ntah bapa % ja

The only thing...I will answered erk..xde rupala..tang mana?..and the answer ada certain angle..erk angle mana? kanan? kiri? depan? belakang?
And because of this encik suami asked whether "awk sama mcm nur tak?" ~ sila pk double meaning of this question...
Because of Nur Kasih also, encik suami asked me about our baby name ~ buh nama Nur Kasih nak tak?
And my answer, klu boy nk buh nama pe? Adam ke?
Kui2 sudah jadi mcm terpengaruh plak
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Love and life,
TV/ Movie
14 November, 2009
Dapur senang bersama ms tepung
For few days not blogginng..the reason being busy here and there, besides friday is packing day as finance team has relocated to downstair (owh kenapa keje asik suka relocate; only 1st job aje I do not have to move..pack-unpack..hate this ) and furthemore office blocked all the social community ~ I am lazy to bring broadband and surf during lunch hour...

ayam sambal ~ ni resepi sendiri campak2 je
Ya puan2 sblm ini anda bersama 2 org pengacara cina untuk Dapur Senang..
Today, is special appearance of ms tepung for Dapur Senang
We have 3 menu here (resepi sila google aje)
Being a kuli di ofis-isteri-tukang masak-and so on really struggling esp on weekdays. And even tho Malaysia-Syurga-Makanan, it doesn't meant that hari2 makan di kedai..
And some more, cook at home is much more healthier, cleaner and of course sila lah tawan perut kekanda2 anda ~ yg nk kawen xyah sibuk2 practice masak dan jadikan housemates anda sbgai mangsa sbbnya lps kawen otomatic anda akan rasa responsible dan nk jugak masak untk suami anda....dan jika bernasib baik suami akan ternanti2 masakan anda
Ok back to dapur senang, today's menu is chicken...My recipe limited to sup-kari-kurma-goreng-masak kicap-masak merah-asam pedas...
Then since timing is the biggest constraint ~ tau2 jelah KL jem..so the best option is to cook something simple but nice to eat..
And introducing the recipe for dapur senang

ayam kunyit

Looking forward to cook ayam halis, kung pao, black peper
Oh ya before I missed something, for those like to try aroma ikan bakar and not sure how long the journey will take from the starting point, you can use google maps > get direction > key in point A (ur home/starting point) > key in point B (in this case Pantai Jeram)...you will get the estimated journey (but pls consider also traffic, sesat, speeding and so on)
Happy weekend!
Oh ya before I missed something, for those like to try aroma ikan bakar and not sure how long the journey will take from the starting point, you can use google maps > get direction > key in point A (ur home/starting point) > key in point B (in this case Pantai Jeram)...you will get the estimated journey (but pls consider also traffic, sesat, speeding and so on)
Happy weekend!
09 November, 2009
Ketam oh ketam...the successful story of JJCM
I would like to thank those give comments to my previous entry for the idea sesi-makan-ketam..
And finally we managed to visit...

~ bknkah mostly suggest Bagan Lalang or Muara?
The main reason encik suami has been to Muara, while myself have been to Bagan Lalang (uhuks lps org komen br leh recall pernah pegi few years back)..none of us have tried Pantai Jeram seafood..~ yg sebenar kuasa veto ibu mengandung hihi
This is our very first time to Pantai Jeram..even tho it call as pantai it is not meant to swim...the only thing we can do is have a sunset view and makan-puas-sampai-kenyang-dan jgn lupa sediakan duit secukupnya...
Lets have a view...
Disclaimer : for those fasting today (sunat/ganti) pls dont scroll more...takut makruh..and for mak2 buyung I am not responsible if there is super-craving-seafood happened after reading this..phew mcm food review gempak sugguh pdhal not-expert-gastronomic-seafood-review pun..and jika ingin ke sana hujung minggu ini sila lah sabar banyak2 sbb hari ni baru hari Isnin..hihi ~ saje je dera nafsu korang

22 weeks of pregnancy

sblm ketam enter-d-frame, bg peluang kat dua org JJCM posing dl

price list + masak2 style...mcm2 ada

hasil tangkapan : kerapu-1,sotong-4, kembung-2,udang-15+-,ketam-2..all only for 2 person yg nk mkn besar

kailan ikan masin

semestinya ketam
The place is consider clean. Have surau and toilets. Service quite good...the only thing is half of the place is being reserved...yg direserve sume tempat yg betul2 hadap pantai.. (maybe we came month end and it was just 6+pm....) I bet if you want to come a little bit late please consider to make early booking
Food was great! ~erk sila consider I am not fussy about food..spesis x tolak makan2 nih. Encik suami claimed that udang+sotong goreng tepung here "lagi best dr muara"
The price we paid for all..was RM 88.40
if you asked brapa berat each seafoods, xtau..yg tau amik2 je
For the map to Aroma Ikan Bakar Pantai Jeram, kindly download the map here http://seaviewresort.com.my/ (pls download both..since you need it both)
I have edited here for the exact location of Aroma Ikan Bakar (from the above link refer to map to Kuala Selangor)

Last but not least for reservation kindly contact Mohd Naim 017 3163117, Hazura 019 2084452 ~ erm kami xdpt diskaun pun just tolong promo
Happy JJCM for seafood lover!
04 November, 2009
Warehohuse sale and antenatal class

Eh2 suppose that I post entry about ketam...but pls be patient...closing still not yet finished (dh nama keje akaun) and then to select the food pics is not easy
So I decided to make a quick entry..
Its about warehouse sale ~ but pls this is not about clothes, shoes or so on that usually bride to be rushing to get the good bargain for hantaran..
This is for baby things..stroller, walker...most of it benda yg keras hihi
For expecting mummy, for more info visit http://www.mydear.com.my/
Encik suami, moh kita g...since I bet its not like the usual warehouse sale kot..actually i'm not sure just imagine most of the ppl come have some bumps...so no such tolak2-rebut2-joli sale xhingat....lps tu moh kita g kedai baju maternity...bini hang sudah gembira melabur $$$ lps kena dok puji ofismate dek kerana baju peknen cun...
On top of that, I have registered for antenatal class on 15.11.09
Since after doing sesi-google antenatal class somewhere Dec 09 and only manage to find here http://www.kjmc.com.my/ that have class (Nov pun xpa lah at least leh amik note sblm soping brg baby)...I am also soo lazy to call each hospital to ask about the class...and considering from the past track most of the hospital organize it 4 times in a year (usually somewhere in early year..feb-march (hmm xmo la sbb dh nk due) and, aug-sept (sudah lepas)...but sometimes depends jugak kot time nk buat dia buatla kan..after reading some mommies that missed most of the class dek gara2 sibuk then they only manage to attend almost due date then I bet nevermind just pi this one...
Some place even do it by breaking to every weekend ~ phew bagus sbb otak xtepu mendgr tp nk commit every week ada 1 kelas payah la plak
I am looking forward for this class...
Tentative programme as follows:-
08.45 - 09.00am Registration
09.00 - 10.00am Pregnancy,Labour and Post Partem by Dr Fatima Najla
10.00 - 10.15am Breakfast
10.15 - 11.15am Common problems in infants by Dr Syed Nazir
11.15 - 12.00pm Epidural for Labour by Dr Harlina
12.00 - 01.00pm Pre and Post Natal execise by Physiotherapist
01.00 - 02.00pm Lunch & Prayer
02.00 - 02.15pm Nutrition in Pregnancy
02.15 - 02.30pm Umbilical Cord Blood
02.30- 03.00pm Breastfeeding & baby bathing technique by midwife
03.00pm Adjourn
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03 November, 2009
Bila roti jala menjadi lempeng, dan pulut kuning menjadi nasi lemak

its all because of beef curry
Tajuk pun dh nama makanan
Maka haruslah tulis psl makanan
This all because of piece of meat in our refrigerator...Having an idea to cook beef curry..~ hehe lupa plak this happened 2 weeks ago
The perfect match will be roti jala ~ mak buyung tiba2 rasa nk try lps dh berminggu2 tgk Ho Chak Dapur Senang buat roti jala
So early morning wake up prepare all the things, but still not buying the acuan roti jala ~ yg kaler kuning tuh
Encik suami said never mind 930 am shops nearby sure open.....Hamik pi awal2...kedai yg jual tuh xbukak lagi...xkan nk tggu smpi kedai tu bukak, kedai yg dh bukak awal2 pulak xjual...ayoyo ~ pdhal a night before already mentioned to him to bought the acuan, but since the night before encik suami dh smpi rumah br la teringat dan malas nk keluar balik pi beli
So instead of roti jala..it turns into lempeng ~ but the ingredients is roti jala...So should I call as roti-lempeng?

Then while I prepare the ingredient for roti jala + curry, encik suami asking "masak pulut kuning nak?" I said I never prepare it before and asked him to google...After reading the steps, he said payah ja, kita masak nasi lemak makan ngan kari daging..
So, pulut kuning turns to nasi lemak...~ nasib baik nasik lemak x kaler kuning...

pstt..JJCM sudah success..later I will blog about it k..
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