29 December, 2011
Alhamdulillah..6 months
21 December, 2011
Baby : ready for solid

As Alif will hit 6 months, it means this is the second time for me to wake up early morning to prepare his meals..
I remembered last time for Afham, I think I don't really have fancy cooking..just normal foods porridge, vegee puree, fuits puree, and of course with protein group - chicken, beef, eggyolk, tofu. And for pasta, oatmeal, and so on *ape yg pelik* I never tried to him when he started solid, perhaps because of pregnancy hormone - ya I found out that Im preganat while Afham just 7 months (now blame pregnancy hormone for all laziness!! apa da!).
Now with Alif, I consider I have basic knowledge and I really hope that this time I can try to cook even better and perhaps trying more new recipe *crossing my fingers that Alif suka makan homemade food, Insya Allah.*
So hereby I'm sharing checklist for the homemade baby food/ checklist for solid/ checklist cooking for baby dan yg seangkatan dengannya (rasanya tulis ikut flow tau dr penyediaan smpilah nk suapkan makanan)
You also can check here for the tools need for preparing homemade solid foods.
If you still wonder how FTWM (full-time-working-mum) can prepare homemade foods, you always can check all my postings here to give some general ideas. Oh ya lesson learnt, this time use pure olive oil (POO)
My checklist above might be not 100% complete.. you can add on few items that you think that will help you to cook and prepare food fast, easy-peasy...cthnya nk beli food warmer ke, heat sensor spoon ke..its up to you. Banyak brg kat pasaran ni, yg penting ada uwangnya!
Oh ya..two website that I will read *again and again* which is really useful for the homemade baby food are :
On top of that, I found this blog that really inspiring me for homemade baby food*plus ada fb group, leh join tau..sgt informative-serious rasa xterfolo untk sy yg jrg2 msk fb*..and the good thing it also give some ideas to incorporate family recipe that can be enjoy the whole family! *leceh beb masak beround2...tp tgk blog kak farah baby pun leh join makan soto...cuma kena pandai la adjust tuk baby like no salt so on, so this time I should challenge sikit my cooking skills perhaps buat yg simple2 cth sweet potato puree for Alif, while extra2 sweet potato kita buat la bubur keledek ke - lps tu sume perang kentut! hihi *
Last but not least, some of my personal collection @ gadget untk prepare baby food..*xpelah tepon cikai janji ada sedikit sebanyak gadget dapur :P*

- Cookie cutter & ice cream mould (Daiso)
- Ice cube tray with lid (Giant)
- Thermos : Funtainers 10oz Food Jar (Rugby), The First Years : Take and Toss 8oz Toddler Bowls with Lids & Munchkin : Fresh Feeding Set (food grinder + fresh foos feeder) - mybbstore.com
- Thermos : 16oz stainless steel king food jar with spoon (Jusco)

Hope Afham don't fight because of diff plate! takut Afham gatal nk pakai bib plak..em alahai
13 December, 2011
Afham oh Alif
06 December, 2011
Another wishlist..

23 November, 2011
21 November, 2011
Misteri nusantara di siang hari?
Recently we went to Carefour, Puchong...itu pun unplanned la..
Afham with husband, while Alif with me...nak jadikan cerita masing2 jalan sdiri2. We met in the middle and promise to be at the cashier...since nak mengelakkan Afham request ntahapehape, so myself pegilah carik susu dutch lady kotak 1-6 years
Susu tak jumpa, then tggu husband xjumpa..so I decided to walk around kotla2 jumpa...then hp sdiri tak bawak, pergilah carik public phone....
Tried to call but her "secretary" answered...-surelah bat dah kong!
Since tangan dh lenguh, I decided to try my luck pegi carpark...kot2lah husband dah tggu kat kereta kan?
Unfortunately, tgk2 takde org kat kereta..Masak..tangan dh lenguh...Nasib Alif tak merengek nk susu ke hape
Then I just notice plat kereta kat huruf W dah patah. Elok2 tgh belek plat tu I noticed lampu kereta blink...I said "Alhamdulillah....ni dah bagus ni"
So masuklah dlm kereta...but to my suprise I waited almost 20 minutes..Ish tak kanle husband tak dtg...den dh panas, penas mengipas...tergeraklah nk keluar gi cari husband, Afham tapi kereta tak berkunci..haih
Then bila tgh2 tggu tu..husband pun dtg..siap tnya kereta tak kunci ke? - As far as I know husband sure kunci kereta tuh..
Then I told him and he answered "kereta ni kenal tuan dia, psl tu blh bukak.." Husband pun pening gak ..pastu dok fikir agaknya ada tertekan kot unlocked kunci kereta..
Erk...sungguh la pening...klu dia tak kunci kereta from first, tak kan le tadi lampu blink2 mcm kereta unlocked...
Sungguhla misteri untuk diri sendiri...takut pun ada....
17 November, 2011
R-V-C..red velvet cupcakes
Remember when I posted my sweet cravings?
Finally I got a chance to taste RVC. Tried to recall and manage to find her entry here which lead my pregnancy hormone to crave for it *tapi kan dh sibuk2 pulak kena minum air gula impian nk makan RVC tu punah..lps tu bila Alif meleleh air liur barulah terkedek2 cari entri tuh*
On top of that my father, brother and cikde came to celebrate Deepavali here *1 Malaysia kan?* So I quickly placed an order with Ilot *makan ramai2 lg meriah xgitew?*
Paling tak tahan we changed the place to collect till last minute..from PICC to Cyber and end up at Dobot, Seri Kembangan *dekat2 ngan bistro ape nama tuh...nanti den tulis balik..yg mana husband Ilot keje kat situ*
She also gave me extra 9 cupcakes *thanks Ilot, moga rezeki kamu bertambah2* Haha actually when I told husband I ordered 25 cupcakes, he said "banyaknyer.." Well actually its just nice...*perhaps xcukup..nasib dpt extra*
Since it was my 1st time having it, I have no prediction about it...but to be true it taste sooo good..so yummy the cream cheese until I cannot stop eating..*but simpan jugakla dlm fridge since Aan tulis it tastes better and better after few days in the fridge*
So for those interested to get Red Velvet Cupcake, you can contact Ilot at http://ilotskitchen.blogspot.com/. In case she do not pick up your call just sms her.
In between here is the pricelist *price when I bought it..ilot kata dia malas nk update kat blog..so kita tolong yer..*
Besides RVC, you also can check other cakes that she have at her blog. Opss not to mentioned that she also soon having catering business
14 November, 2011
4 years...
....and its four of us (now I wonder how many kids we have if we met earlier =p)
06 November, 2011
My 2 handbag - Double A
Alhamdulillah both grow up dgn baik...
Afham *20 months..1 y 8 months*
- lari, jalan, hatta jalan2 smbil mcm ala2 skipping2 pun boleh
- gigi xpenuh lagi..still counting
- makan..time selera bnyk, mkn bnyk..time xlalu makan sikit
- fav item - ball..pi mana2 benda yg plg dia nmpk bola..pi kedai mamak surelah nmpk boal kat tv, pegi soping complex benda yg dia nmpk bola jugak..lps tu sebut kuat2 smbil buat aksi kick ball..
- dia suka kek *rasanya lah..tp bagi makan kek pun bkn hari2*
- klu makan kat luar dia plg eksaited bila waiter hantar air..lg kuat dia jerit gumbira klu air tu ada straw *air berais la...tu husband pnya air la..blh tak arituh beli soya dlm botol, ada la depa bg gelas ngan ais, husband bg dia minum soya dlm botol tu..lps tu dia sdiri amik straw tu buh kat dlm gelas ais tu...clever boy - ibu tepuk dahi*
- time azan sure lah dia pun nk azan skali..time org nk solat dia pun nk join skali..so he got his own sejadah dan juga kopiah, tp dia solat hnya ada part sujud je..rukuk so on sume xde..heheh
- blm start potty train..tapi dia sdiri tau cakap yak *berak lah tu kan*..lps tu klu alif berak dia duk sebelah dia sibuk2 cakap.."alif...yak..cuk..."
- part bercakap..cakap bahasa melayu, omputih, france, arab, urdu, so on..we still learning and try to pick up word he say
- to date ape yg dia dh leh sebut
mama - ni bkn ibu saja tp sapa2 pun dia main blasah phhl mama..cikde, atuk, sdara2 ka
ibu - tp slalu sbut bu ajelah
nasi - bnyinya akan jd aaachikk..tak tau mana dia bljr, klu naik kereta keluar dia blh point out kedai makan as "aaachikkk.." kdg saja test, tp dia mmg tau mana satu kedai makan..
pupuk - untuk keropok, suma jenis makanan selain nasi dan kek dikira keropok..
pakai - biasa siap amik tudung/ shawl bg myself suh pakai, kdg bukan nk kuar rumah tp dia suh ibu dia ni pakai gak
kak - untuk bukak
body parts..almost sume yg penting dia tau dah
Alif * 4 months*
- suka org borak2 ngan dia, klu dia meradang mmg kuat la suara
- boleh gelak2 smbil kita dok cakap2 ngan dia
- suka hisap jari..tak cukup 1 suma skali jari dia nk masuk..*tp ni time dia dh xtau nk buat pe..bknle spjg masa isap jari*
- pagi2 kdg2 dia borak2 sdiri...dh ibu dia sibuk nk bersiap g keje
- lupa plak..dah meniarap few days before he hit 4 months
The same similarities, they share the same size of Mamy Poko diaper! *pakai malam je...* So I know not too long both can have "Kelab Boria A", so soon my shooping mcm beli baju anak kembar...dua2 pakai baju sama saiz, sama rupa..silap2 org ingat twins *skrg blm la lg*
02 November, 2011
01 November, 2011
I need supermakkkk!
End up only major task sajork yg accomplished - basuh baju, lipat baju (hnya baju anak, baju mak pak pandai2 carik sdiri), masak (bukan hari2 pun tp sian afham asik2 makan lauk telur), basuh botol...kemas rumah bila sempat (most of the time xde nyer)..baru elok kejap lg ada org tolong "kemaskan"
Lepas tu penyakit lupa melanda..semalam tertinggal ice pack, hari ni tertinggal henpon dan jugak mc tuk bg kt HR
Bila tgk cuti yg nk kena apply bulan ni..sume balik2 tuk anak..untk diri sendiri nan ado..(Emm alahai bestnya klu dpt cuti pegi window shopping sorg2, pegi spa kena urut2)
Nak update blog pun ikut sempat (sian xde sgt post psl development anak...). Idea bnyk mencurah2 pun end up xsempat nk post...
Em alahai...nak jadi supermakkkk..jauh panggang dari api...
But this is life..suka ke tak suka ke, kena teruskan jugak degn senyuman
Senyum sorg2 bila tgk blog cabuk ni dah ada 100 followers *terima kasih buat yg baca..silent & active reader*

Senyum jugak sbb income kat nuffnang memang dah lebih RM100 *tak tgk last sekali berapa tp dah lama gak lebih 100*..tggu lg bnyk br cash out ajelah
Senyum jugaklah sbb dh lama jugak berblog..entri ke 100 kat sini
Sekarang back at work *sigh....*
Ada sape2 tau blog supermak...lets share with me..boleh la kot2 sy belajar serba sikit
28 October, 2011
Have you ever calculate travelling cost to office?
So I just made simple calculation.
Current: LRT KL Sentral – Bangsar : RM 1
New : LRT KL Sentral – KLCC : RM 1.60
Of course the diff. not significant as total up just RM24 (0.6 x 2 (ways) x 20 (days). Then boss asked me to calculate from home
Puchong – ERL Station Cyber – KL Sentral – KLCC
Current : 264 (minyak, tol) + 285 (monthly card) + 40 = RM 589
New : 264 (minyak, tol) + 285 (monthly card) + 64 = RM 613
But itupun dah diskaun jugak sbbnya klu ikut mileage claim 1km = RM1. Klu betul2 strict ikut tu from home to ERL Station Cyber about 20km...so cost itself pergi balik klu ikut mileage claim sehari sudah RM40, 20hari kerja total up kat situ je dah RM800!
Then if compared to current travelling allowance permonth RM65. Sigh..65 hinggit tu takat celah gigi tak gitew?
Now after calculating those costs makes me sick! *sungguhla mahal cost nk pegi kerja, itu belum lagi bab2 kos makan di area elit soon to be*
Skrg tepuk dahi, skrg makan baru RM 3 – 7 (depends amik pe), soon to be makan sah2la RM 10 ke atas...*puasa le gamaknyer*
Conclusion – carik kerja baru or carik side income..tak gitu? *skrg nk beli baju / tudung sehelai pun fikir berhari2*
19 October, 2011
17 October, 2011
Ada tak yg rasa nk pitam lps pump susu?
Dear mommies.
Kita ada soklan..ada tak sesape yg pernah rasa nk pitam lps pump susu? Dan kdg smpi rasa mcm mual2 sekali (bkn baby no 3 ye)
Rasanya minum air b4 and after pump..mmg buat. Semasa pump smbil minum air blm pernah
Lg mengudap tu dh mmg wajib...
Recently rasa mcm rasa nk pitam esp lps sesi pukul 2pm *pdhal lunch tak pernah skip..lps pum minum gak air*
14 October, 2011
My labour story - drama in the labour room?
The only similarities between 1st and 2nd are both delivered at Hospital Purajaya and also overdue pregnancy *maybe my womb provide best place for for both of them until can make us worried!*
But, for 2nd pregnancy baby was not engaged until to the very last minute...to be exact I think the engaged process was an hour before he was delivered
29 June 2011
8.00 am
- Husband send Afham to nursery. Have an express shower. Packed all things. Mak bekalkan roti dan air milo
- Sempat makan roti sekeping + bberapa hirup ar milo *ok because last time almost xde energy nk deliver sbb xmakan*
- Register at counter and after that as usual with all those CTG, soal jawab keluar tanda ke, air ketuban ke, sakit ke?
- Husband settled all those registration, payment, so on , while myself in monitor room
9.00 am
- Dilated 2cm - checked by Dr Naza. Since the graf not nice thay decided to put drip...Erk another Dr attempted 3 times before the drip was set..*habis tangan kiri bengkak...since 2 attemp failed..last time sekali je cucuk dh ok, pdhal dl nurse yg buat!*
- Dr Naza informed that she will informed my condition to Dr Hazim since she not sure Dr Hamidah in or not...
- What I noticed there's a lot of medical student so on lalu lalang...nasib la FPP so diorg xleh kacau
- Heard at least 3-4 pregnant ladies sent to Hospital Kajang...Hosp Putrajaya dah penuh..again nasib FPP klu tak dh kena tendang
10 am
- Masuk air botol ke 2. I think org lain sume dh keluar masuk monitor room tu but myself masih lg dlm room tu
- Nurse asked me whether bring any breakfast..or want to asked husband to get any breakfast for me. Bekal mmg ada kt kereta, but since it was raining heavily, nurse decided to gave me whatever they have..so belasah milo secawan dan biskut beberapa keping
11 am
- I was send to Executive Ward. They informed around 1pm Dr Hazim will come to check my condition
- Nurse came to check my contraction..and she said if it is so super strong to call them.
- Having early lunch..mkn nasi kerabu..husband suap sbbnya myself struggled with frequent contraction
- Sempat terlelap sekejap
1 pm
- Dr Hazim informed that Dr Hamidah not in due to personal emergency thing. So he will be in charge *aduh...mmg all the while klu blh mmg le xmo Dr lelaki tp dh sakit2 mcm gini xkan la nk tggu Dr Hamidah lg kan?*
- He informed that I already dilated 3cm *mcm slow progress kan je...pdhal kul 9 br 2cm*.
- He decided to break my waterbag...*Baca mostly comment sakit giler...for me ok la blh lg tahan..cuma segan Dr lelaki*
- Sempat borak2...he said his younger sister also tgh tggu masa nk deliver anak no 6...but by comparing condition he said that I will deliver first..while I said to him " Dr..bkn ke tu anak ke 6..ptt lg cepat dr sy la kan?" then he replied "hmm..kita tgk rezeki masing2, but I believe u deliver dulu
- Oh ya..nasib baik ubat berak nurse yg tlg masukkan...seganla Dr lelaki
1.45 pm
- Already in the deliver room...last time at this hour dh selamat lahirkan Afham
- Frequent contraction, but since this is 2nd exp I believe I manage it better than 1st..ape tak yg first dulu masuk LR terus suh husband masuk teman..nasib yg 1st tak le terlalu lama kat LR..klu tak mau la huband lenguh berdiri teman bini..
- This time siap pasang tiub oksigen kat hidung..*erk dulu xde pun...ke sbb myself ada asma time pregnant?*
- For past few days I have nose blockage..nk kata selsema teruk idakle tapi hidung tersumbat on-off...so bygkan nk buat breathing technique-contraction-hidung tersumbat sebelah...
- Someone *I think mcm medical student je..lelaki plak tu..hish mcm dh tak FPP plak* came asked whether I want epidural or not *mula2 ingat nk amik..ada la exp epidural..tpkan lps tu fikir jimatkan duit dr epidural dgn bertahan..- haha kedekutkan?*
- Since tak nak epidural, maka gas adalah option. Again since this is 2nd exp maka sudah lebih tahu control diri untk guna gas *yes this time I know how to control and at the same time got the gas effect*
- Then ada few *again* medical student came in monitor CTG and then asikla komen "baby puan tido..."
3 pm
- Contraction getting stronger. SMS husband asked him to come in
- Blh tak nurse lupa registerkan husband tuk teman wife dlm LR..
- Started the LR drama..."abang..sakit..." , and as usual recite selawat, Surah al-Anbiya,87..Laila ha illa anta subha na ka inni kumtum minazzolimin, breathing technique, and also gas..
- Since before this I read someone took gas and her head started think of at the other world - khayal, mamai , so I tried to control the effect by took on-off the gas
- I really feel want to pee but mcm x boleh...so asked husband to call nurse
- Nurse came. She help to pee - bkn pegi toilet..tpkan dia keluarkan urine guna tiub...Asked her when someone will checked how cm dilated? She said " pukul 5 nanti br ada org check..."
- OMG..rasa mcm lmbt sgt nk check dilation...So I requested her to check while she help me to pee..
- She said 5cm already
- Decided to give me pitocin "kami bg pitocin untk cepatkan jalan ye puan..."
- Once the pitocin in...it gave super- duper- impact! Maybe at the same time kepala baby pun nk engaged
- By comparing to first one, I think ini lg sakit...dah tak tahu terjerit ke hape kt husband, but jerit pun kata "sakit"..tapi dah 2 kali bersalin so far tak pernah gigit tgn husband, but gigit sarung bantal..erk
- The worst thing I stated to feel nk berak..*malu la plak nk tulis...tp kena tulis jugak..blush*
- Again panggil nurse since dh mcm terkencing, terberak..she said its normal
- I think few times pee-poo...mcm org cirit..at the same time mmg terasa kepala Alif nk engaged...*hint : last minute engage ni sakit (for me), plus xamik epidural*
- Suddenly I really cannot bear the pain..rasa nk teran...ape lg berdrama la kata "sakit". Agaknya sbb suara kuat..kelam kabut misi mai
- Dr Hazim pun masuk..misi cepat2 put my legs to support and asked me pegang besi...serius kelam kabut giler
5.00 pm
- Alif lahir with 2 push...nurse sume xsempat nk jd cheerleader..sbbnya dh super kelam kabut
- Dr Hazim put him betul2 atas my stomatch. Alif cried loudly *compared to Afham*
- Dr Hazim keluarkan uri dan jahit...
- Sempat borak ngan Dr Hazim *smbl sedut gas..sbb last time Dr Hamidah dh ajar time jahit sedut je gas..kot2 tak tahan time jena jahit*
- Asked Dr Hazim " Dr tak buat episotomi kan?..Dr said " tak de..x sempat"...he also added actually "tak sempat fully dilated pun..br 9cm. tapi koyak normal under control"
- Dr Hazim finished with procedures *eyh rasa mcm kejap je kan?* He congratulate me..
- Husband also settle down - azankan Alif..amik uri, etc dan balik since he need to fetch Afham
- Nurse came to help with breastfeeding *ok last time I missed this part because Afham was send to NICU right after born*
- Nurse come to check baby and me ok.
- Dr came...to check whether its ok to release me to ward
- Nurse send me to ward
- Super lapar...nasib la diorg x clearkan lg food..ok lauk ayam jd santapan..
- Husband came with MIL, Afham dan sepupu dia
- MIL temankan tdo malam tu. Husband balik ngan Afham
Whole night
- Since this is my 2nd exp, managed not to call nurse even once. Even MIL also can sleep. Alif ada gak berjaga few times for feeding and also he poo poo.
- Nurse came few times just to make sure I'm ok or not
30 June 2011
9 am
- Dr Hamidah came to check my condition. Sempat la borak2..she said she told Dr Naza if I did not progress anything..no need to do anything on me, wait until she came back. But since dilation and contraction so on, maka Dr Hazim replaced her
- Discharged.
So that's all..To my suprised some of the nurses at the executive ward recognised me "cam muka-tapi mcm ingat2 lupa". Ada yang tanya "mcm pernah tgk sblm ni"..and I said " taun lepas bersalin sini, dok executive ward jugak" *segan2 lah plak*
Total cost for this time almost RM1.5k. This time I stayed at 2 bedded room compared to previous one. I will blog later again on FPP thingy and also TCM unit, Hospital Putrajaya *again crossing my finger I can have my sweet time to blog*
Overall, Alhamdulillah 2nd experience much better despite Alif not engaged till the very last minute.
12 October, 2011
My sweet cravings..
Rasanya pregnantkan Alif, list mengidam tu kurang..dan kdg2 lps teringin nk makan dah sibuk2 lps tu lupa plak nak request makan..
So, since almost everyday I received comments "kurusnya..."- Weh penat telinga dgr hari2 org dok komen kata kurus...mak tak diet! makan sume tak skip, lps tu in between makan lagi..
Back to main topic..my sweet cravings for
Pernah beli kat kedai dlm Carefour Puchong..rasanya quite nice. Altho ramai kata manis giler, tapi macaroon kedai tu ok je, just nice

So readers, any recommendations? Since I'm willing to taste all these sweeties ^_^
09 October, 2011
Hehe..seems that mcm trend plak kan nak tarikh cun2 ni 11.11.11, next year 12.12.12 or maybe 20.12.2012..
And you know what, I even "berangan2 la" kunun nak baby 12.12.12 (since dh xde dah 13.13.13 kan...but Allah bg rezeki awal -Alif..), so really think that no additional family member next year..*tepuk dahi kalau 3 years in a row bersalin...surela tergelak2 segan lagi dgn Dr Hamidah mcm masa mula2 gi checkup 2nd pregnant*
But, I still have another option...planning for baby 11.12.13 *Husband sure pening kepala...*
Enuff..enuff..back to reality..again I have abandoned this blog quite some time. I've back to work for 3 weeks...and to be sincere I still cannot manage everything..kuli-isteri-ibu 2 anak.
Tired with all those thing..and sometimes I really cannot do whatever I plan...to date still didn't publish Alif delivery story.
Sometimes I think I need new handphone with all those internet so that I can draft my blog entry..and once in forthnight plan all those scheduled entries"sound easy-peasy right?"
So till then, hope I can have my sweet time to write..but before that I hope can settle "tongkang pecah" as soon as possible..
23 September, 2011
Kenapa saya suka Annas Easkey
So if you asked me who is Annas Easkey yesterday..surelah jawab "ntah..sape ntah.." (anak dah 2 maka hal2 baby, budak2 jelah yg tau kan, betul tak gitu ibu2..)
For those want to know him, read here
After reading his blog and amazed with his talent..I decided to join the contest..Menang ke kalah lain cerita janji dh usaha (Lg plak baca budak UiTM Segamat...akak pun budak UiTM, org Segamat)
So hereby, Kenapa saya suka Annas Easkey
1. If on 3 word, I will say G-Y-M..eh bukan GYM yg org senam2 tu..tapi Gifted, Young, Multi-talented ...browse his blog and you will amazed with all the pics !

2. He care for the needed one despite he earned ribu2 (tu buat keje smbil bljar..klu full time?).Read here his visit to Rumah Anak Yatim
(Tips : Derma ke Rumah Anak Yatim boleh include dlm tax form dgn syarat approved - usually mmg ada tulis something mcm ni "derma ini dikecualikan cukai pendapatan" and make sure simpan resit as a proof)
3. He start from zero and build up his name...ok senang cakap bukan dr "produk segera"..
4. He shoot all-freehair-hijab, org biasa hinggalah artis, kahwin-family-event-project x. But at the same time he still provide services at affordable price..tak caye sila check tab promotion
I really heart this pic..
rasa nk je amik family shoot tu tp budget xde :(
5. He organized contests..boleh tahan banyak jugak..hadiah pun best2
6. He shoot not only beauty faces yg jelita-kurus-model, but also plus-sized etc.. senang cakap tak memilih org
7. He love babies..baca sini. (Erk babysit Afham ngan Alif boleh? teringin nk dating tgk wayang ngan Husband citer Nasi Lemak 2.0...erks ape kes ek)
8. I believe he really adore his mum. Contest pun I love you mom..of course he can turn mum as super-hot-mum thru his pics
The rest maybe ada lg, but cukuplah eight reasons here..
I never met him personally, so most likely the reasons here based on observation and reading (I believe we can know person from his/her writing tho it might not be 100% betul)
For more superb pics and details you can click below...
Last but not least

14 September, 2011
Breastmilk jaundice
Before this Afham also have jaundice after he was born, but nothing to worry as his jaundice level reduced every check up...but for Alif its totally different
Every time we visit the KK, his jaundice level considered stagnant..balik2 at level 12..sekejap 12.3 lps tu 12.6 turun balik 12.3..We even followed those petua kurangkan jaundice baby eg jemur sekejap, mandikan dia ngan TYT baby bath, mandikan ngan daun kucai, bg minum sket susu kambing, minum sket air anggur, bf almost every hour
So on his 14th day, doc advised us to refer Hosp Serdang *at first we though to go Putrajaya..since he was born there..but doc inform that Putrajaya send memo that they wont accept any jaundice baby at that moment due to soo many cases they handle*
So we went to Hosp Serdang, and the doc took his urine and blood for futher test. A week after that we went again for the result...I cannot remember the Dr name, but she nicely explain to us the result...and also she checked Alif...she commented Alif progress as normal baby - from stool, weight...the only thing Alif look "yellow".
Dr said Alif had breastmilk jaundice...nothing to worry and she said I should continue bf. The only thing she cannot guarantee till when Alif look "yellow". She just mentioned it might takes almost 2 month for Alif to be free from jaundice.
Then I remembered that Farah @ Sarakids posted here that his son also had breastfmilk jaundice. After reading it I conclude "be patient.."
Besides breastmilk jaundice, we also asked few question to this nice Dr *dh alang2 jumpa Dr tnya la bagai*...we noticed that mata Alif kerap bertahi mata...asikla kena bersihkan. So Dr jawab nothing to worry, sbbnya kilang air mata Alif tak terbentuk sepenuhnya. So dia kata just bersabar...it might takes few months. If not mistaken by 6 months still having this problem, then need to be refer the case to hospital. Besides she also teach simple eye massage untuk Alif. Till this entry written, sebelah mata dah ok..sebelah lagi masih lagi bertahi mata cuma rasanya bertambah baik sedikit demi sedikit
Another thing..keliling anak mata Alif (mata sebelah kanan sahaja) ada mcm gelung bewarna merah...Then Dr said nothing to worry..itu hanyalah urat mata...it just takes time urat tu hilang and normal *betul pun lps seminggu dua mata Alif dh ok*
Ok berbalik kepada breastmilk jaundice..even when we went for 1 month jab at KK...all nurse asking whether Alif ok or not since he still look "yellow"..so we have the answer "breastmilk jaundice"...Tapi nurse plak mcm tak tau...so bila diorg kata ooo ni prolong jaundice..maka kami iyakan saja.
Alif still look "yellow" until he almost reach 2 months esp on his eyes...by 2 months he look normal..and at least we no longer worry that the turn orang kuning Digi...*just kidding!!!*
So...for moms out there, be patient, and if unsure check with the Dr. Follow their advice/ test and if unsure get 2nd, 3rd opinion.... Oh ya sila jgn nangis meraung2 sbb anak anda kena cucuk berkali2 untuk amik darah *Afham dulu kena cucuk banyk kali gak sbb kes UTI, Alif plak sbb check jaundice...nasib ibu dia tak nangis walau dia mmg takut tgk jarum*
Saya bukan org kuning Digi..saya Alif..*didera pakai cekak oleh ibu dan cikde*
09 September, 2011
Edisi ketiak berpeluh (EKB) : Travelling in a car with 2 kids under 2 years old
Maybe sbb myself pegang Alif, so Afham rasa kurg diberi tumpuan kot..itu yg jadik dia ke depan ke belakang
Then when it comes to balik beraya, at first I thought beraya di Segamat. But, sudah lama tak jumpa makcik2, atok *dan jugak at least xperlula masak2* then I told husband balik beraya Felda Ulu Tebrau dan juga Segamat..kira raya sakan-lah
Since, we have learned few thing..this time the journey is more manageable..But of course need to improve from time to time..
So what we do for long hour journey:-
1. Plan the journey...
part ni kalau kata nk gerak kul 11pagi belum tentula gerak on the dot..consider la anak..klu masa tu dia tido, wait until dia bgn..klu main ikut suka sdiri takut nannti dia meragam dr awal2 nk berjalan lagi
2. Susun brg2...
bakul susu Afham we put sebelah driver...usually 1-2 bottles dah bubuh air siap2..so klu dia nk susu just tambah air panas dan FM (FM pun bubuh dlm container siap2..so xyah la ceduk2 dr tin)
buku, toys, sebotol air masak, handbag diletak berdekatan myself..so senang nak amik
3. Baby we put in the car sear...
since baby tido, susu...maka Alif dlm car seat *but kenala sendal2 sikit*
4. Afham duduk tengah atau belakang driver
plus kenala melayan dia..baca buku, geletek, buat muka..so on..janji dia xbergerak ke depan
in case dia nk gerak ke depan..pesan "bahaya"..dia faham ke xfaham kena juga bgtau
but sometimes terlepas jugak, but usually I warn husband
5. Bring snancks
since travelling dlm bulan posa, org dewasa puasa tp anak2 ni tak puasa..so stand by something for them to eat...*lps tu sila la dgr husband kata kereta penuh ngan benda makan..hehehee*
6. Stop if cannot control the situation
Kids always kid.. so bila dh tak terkawal sila la stop sekejap..bgla cool down, so on
7. Be patient
oh ya selagi anak yg besar tak tido, maka tahanla mengantuk...dan juga sblm anak yg besar mengamuk sbb mengantuk asked him whether he want to sleep..by tepuk2 peha "Afham nk bum tak?"...
8. Bf ur baby before start the journey
if possible feed the baby..so at least for 2-3 hours journey baby most likely sleep ajelah so u can concentrate the big one *tp once baby dh lama berjaga kena layan dua2 la plak*
So that's all...klu ikutkan still xberapa reti nk handle when Afham sleep, then at the same time tiba2 Alif nk susu..cumanya boleh stop kejap, while Afham with husband, then lps dh bf adik, amik blk Afham *kesian gak tido dia kejap2 terjaga*
I believe we will learn from time to time...
07 September, 2011
Raya..oh raya
Well..I have raya mood, but too bad I forgot camera and left it in the drawer...maka gambar2 raya adalah ikhsan sana sini..cilok sana sini..

I think the person that enjoy raya was Afham..dialah tukang makan kuih raya, menjadi tumpuan atok2, mak2 dan pak2 sedara..and on top of that seminggu raya ni bnyk vocab baru so on walau ada pelat2...spt fish *dlm akuarium, toys kat kedai*, lizard, susu, car *bak atas jalan, gambar kereta betul, dan jugak gambar kartoon kereta*, nak lagi, sedap, popok *untk keropok*....and he even recognize kuih raya yg dia makan yg jd feveret *so hari2 la kena sorok kuih feveret dia sblm dia belasah banyak2*
The rest will blog later, provided I have pic to cilok..hihi
26 August, 2011
Selamat Hari Raya semua

This year will be our third year beraya dgn 4 anggota keluarga...To be thruthful, nasib la dlm maternity leave..maka sesi packing-mempacking tak perlula smpi kena stay up..
But, it will be a lot of things to pack! *now I wonder klu family ramai anak2 kecik balik beraya naik flight..bawak brg cmne?*
Since raya will be end of month...I just finished pay all utilities bills and housing loan, while husband will pay his loans (car so on)..The rest need to finished packing by tonight, since tomorrow we will have a long journey Puchong - Segamat - Felda Ulu Tebrau
Most concern thing, hopefully Afham will behave in the car *he is not car seat type..when we balik kedah last time, husband and me pening..nasib tak kena saman sbb budak ni*
Anyway, that's all..need to continue with some packing and listing *hopefully I can share my raya checklist only after raya..so next year blhla guna lagik..yg last year still applicable but with addition to family member the list is a lil bit longer*
Have a safe journey and selamat beraya! Maaf zahir & batin.
See u after raya
*sight, maternity leave will ended soon...3 bulan xcukup..keji kan?*
22 August, 2011
Bila agaknya adikku bertemu jodoh?

19 August, 2011
Baby and family outdoor photoshoot pictures...
Date : 09.04.2011
Time : 10 - 11 am
Venue : Taman Wetland (Pusat Rekreasi Air), Putrajaya
Theme : Casual, red
Pics below might not in the best reso since I have edited a lil bit...*kang xlepas nk upload..so kita adjust2 sikit la*
Family in red
Saya ada 2 batang gigi di bawah..nampak tak?
Boleh tak jd model Baby Kiko?
Ball is my fav
Nah....baling bola ni jauh2

So for those not sure whether to take baby and family pics, I think it will be worth if you take it..plus nowadays there is promo from Milkadeal, Groupon so on *tp hang kena rajin check la kan?* ..So just grab and pose! *erk I just think when Alif turns 1..we should have another photoshoot..boleh tak abg?*
11 August, 2011
Customised picture on photo magnet..dan mana nak cari baju melayu xs?
It is customised picture on photo magnet!
Erk nasib RM28 hinggit je..erm I just remember something I still didn't post my outdoor photoshoot - promo from Milkadeal also!
Satu lagi kan..ada sapa2 tau kat mana nak carik baju melayu saiz xs..ingat nk beli untk Alif..klu tak Alif raya pakai baju moden.
10 August, 2011
Tips : Buying books online
Monthly reading only Pa & Ma..and usually I will flipped back all those all magazines and books that I have *I cannot read in vehicles..so that's why I only have sweet time for reading while waiting for check up and at night – which is most likely impossible..anak tdo, ibu pun join..sometimes anak xtdo ibu dh mimpi dulu*
Few months ago I just think I need to buy few books after reading book review from some blogger. But its hard for me to visit MPH Midvalley or Kinokuniya to flip through the books...Besides I noticed some books not available at local bookstore
So here I share some tips:-
1. Get book title and author
2. You always can read other review (plus rating) from other blog and website eg amazon.com
3. Did you know that you can read partially of the book..Check here http://books.google.com/ .
For example type keyword "pregnancy sucks" and you will be surprised to see the book preview of "Pregnancy Sucks : What to Do When Your Miracle makes You Miserable by Joanne Kimes, Sanford A. Tisherman" for almost 20 pages - because I read review said the book is funny, so thats why I just try to check preview at the above link
BUT not all book available for preview..it depends
4. You can make a list books to buy..visit
Kinokuniya - http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/indexohb.cgi?AREA=05
MPH - http://mphonline.com/welcome/welcome.aspx
You can buy online and they also can deliver to your doorstep
5. In case your book do not available at the store, you always can contact customer service. At first I thought to buy from overseas but afraid the book will not reached, not sure there will be custom issue and of course delivery rates will be charged.
So I decided to contact Kinokuniya thru email asking three books by stating book and author...
Within same day they reply and quote the price for two available books..Not to mention I also add another two books available at the store..so two book reserved, and two special ordered..It makes my life easier *no need to look ups and downs at the bookstore*
6. Kinokuniya requested my contact no...and guess what I received below sms to confirm the book arrives
7. Collect and pay the books. In case you want them to deliver it, just contact them back..surely they will help...*I need short trip for window shopping treatment..so opt to collect myself*
Last but not lease, PLEASE retain the book receipts for tax claim and filing purpose.
That's all..hope someone can benefited from this entry
08 August, 2011
Cukur rambut vs cukur jambul
Saya ada kemusykilan berhubung dengan cara pelaksanaan majlis cukur jambul yang biasa dilakukan oleh masyarakat Melayu Islam apabila mendapat anak. Ia seolah-olah satu kemestian dalam masyarakat. Apabila seseorang ibu baru melahirkan anak maka akan timbul soalan “bila nak buat kenduri cukur jambul anak?” Boleh huraikan apakah hukumnya membuat majlis cukur jambul anak yang baru lahir?
Mencukur rambut bayi adalah sesuatu yang disunatkan oleh Islam. Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Setiap bayi tergadai dengan akikahnya, disembelih untuknya pada hari ketujuh, dicukur rambutnya dan diberi nama.” [Shahih Sunan Abu Daud, no: 2838] Tujuan mencukur rambut adalah untuk membersihkan selaput kepalanya dan agar rambut yang baru lagi sihat dapat tumbuh. Oleh kerana itulah dalam riwayat yang lain, mencukur rambut juga disebut sebagai “bersihkan kotoran”, yakni hadis: “Bersama seorang anak satu akikah, maka tumpahkan untuknya darah (yakni sembelihan akikah) dan bersihkan kotorannya (yakni mencukur rambut).” [Shahih al-Bukhari, no: 5472, Fath al-Bari, jld. 27, ms. 24]
Mencukur rambut disunatkan ke atas bayi lelaki dan perempuan, dan sunat dilakukan pada hari ketujuh selepas kelahirannya. Malang sekali, ramai ibubapa masa kini yang menyayangi bayi mereka dengan cara yang salah, mereka menyayangi rambut bayi mereka sehingga membelakangkan anugerah pahala dan rahmat daripada Allah s.w.t.. Justeru mereka menggantikan suruhan mencukur rambut bayi yang sunat hukumnya kepada majlis cukur jambul.
Mencukur jambul bayi hukumnya makruh, kerana ia sejenis “qaza” yang dilarang oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. [Shahih al-Bukhari, no: 5920] “Qaza” ialah mencukur sebahagian rambut di mana-mana bahagian kepala sementara di bahagian lain rambut dibiarkan [Fath al-Bari, jld. 28, ms. 832]. “Qaza” dilarang kerana ia mencacatkan kepala seseorang – termasuk kepala bayi – dan ia menyerupai fesyen sebahagian orang bukan Islam. Sekalipun hukumnya makruh, mana-mana ibubapa yang beriman kepada Allah lagi mengharapkan keredhaan-Nya akan berusaha menjauhi sesuatu yang dilarang oleh Rasulullah s.a.w.. Selain itu ada juga ibubapa yang sekadar menggunting beberapa helai rambut bayi. Praktik ini tidak memiliki apa-apa manfaat sama ada dari sudut agama mahu pun selainnya.
Adapun melaksanakan majlis sempena cukur jambul, maka yang sepatutnya dilaksanakan ialah majlis akikah. Majlis akikah membuktikan kesyukuran kepada Allah atas bayi yang dianugerahkan-Nya, pengumuman kepada jiran-jiran akan kelahiran anak yang baru dan persediaan awal bahawa bayi itu akan dididik menjadi hamba yang berkorban untuk kebaikan agama dan umat. Majlis akikah dengan sendirinya adalah satu bentuk ibadah, maka ia tidak perlu diubah-suai dengan ibadah-ibadah lain seperti membaca surah Yasin, zikir-zikir, doa selamat dan sebagainya. Walaubagaimanapun majlis akikah hukumnya sunat, maka mana-mana ibubapa yang tidak mampu tidak dituntut melaksanakannya.

03 August, 2011
Tragedi Ramadhan ini..

02 August, 2011
The only thing that I wan to put here is 2 useful links (for me la..), before I ended keep on searching back the link (sblm mak dh start sakit lupa so on...)
Information about bf -
Q & A bf -
The fact that I think I have visited the link several times, but still not finished reading it! *sbb baca mana keyword yg related..lps tu visit balik link tu baca part lain plak*
Hope someone can benefited from above links!
21 July, 2011
Hobi orang berpantang?