Before this, I do not realize this colour will look different from our eyes view compared to what the camera captured…-not every single purple, but certain hue/ tone of purple
But there’s one time, mak andam said….her previous client have a gold theme colour but it turns to chocolate in the wedding pics….
Then, I start to capture few my wedding things…and I saw that that purple-turns-to blue…wheee….maybe I have wrong lighting setting? Or maybe my camera is just only digital not DSLR?
For example below…the same outfit have 2 different colours….Uhuks that time I start to think do I need to change the theme colours only because of this? But wedding outfit usually have kaler yg terang2, or unless safe side choose white?
*U look blue*
*but u look purple....*
sila tgk btl2 br perasan kot
Even I discussed with my sis, she answered “la kan purple tu biru biji kundang, psl tu kot purple pun leh nmpk mcm biru”…Ha..see?…ada betul jugak kan jawapannya….
Then, I decided to ask my photographer….and the answer “Purple is one the tuff color for most wedding photographers. Insyaallah I'd have no problems in capturing your color…… to make the color to be exactly as it is”
Insya Allah hopefully it will be ok….*again sy x bgtau sape photographer sy…adakah sy ni Siti-Tepung-Biarlah-Rahsia? Not really…but I promise to disclose it very soon! haha masa mula2 bc reply tuff tu blur2 rupanya tough- mr photographer lg canggih guna short form!*
Note : encik tunang sila2 la train untk gambar kawen…..U did well during our Bukit Tinggi Trip…ehem2 sy pun last posing masa tu jugak…
*itik posing dulu*
*pre -wed??? bukan ni guna tripod..same as well as above pic*
6 comments: also use purple as a theme..but combined with other color..purple is x semestinya..d whole bju kene warna purple..and also everything..combine with other color..or minimize kan.. tibe org akan nmpk purple tu dominan..its not about the color but how we use the color...
gud luck dear... ;D
kamu buat saya tersenyum
lihat gmbr kamu berdua..sgt sweet..
purple theme..
ohh..mesti best *ramai nyer yg pilih purple*
i pun kadang2 rasa nak pakai putih
sbb nak selamat dr segala segi
tp as mak kata 'kawen kena la pakai kaler terang..ada nak paki putih'
lagipun nikah dh putih kan
ye biasa org akan combine ngan kaler lain...or kalau baju dh purple pelamin plak kaler white, off white...anyway depends pd taste masing2 tak gitu?
dayu...:) sy pun tersenyum..sgt sweet? haha kembangla hidung encik tunang sy..kuikuikui
yep asik putih x colourful plak..
yupe btol..weee..majlis awak dah nak dekat er..congrats yaa...
sy pon pilih theme pepel xpenah pulak terpikir pasal effect camera..emm mebi kaler dark pepel saje yg akan turn to blue kot
antalya...betul cuma certain purple je yg turn jadik biru dlm gmbr dan mgkn sbb sy bkn professional btwn kawan darah manis anda(jie) sy kenal ms ACCA dl...adakah sy pun kenal anda???
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